keystonejs / keystone-6-heroku-example

A simple example project of showing how you might deploy Keystone 6 to Heroku
15 stars 15 forks source link

Heroku button no longer works: "Could not find prisma-fmt binary" #8

Open molomby opened 2 years ago

molomby commented 2 years ago
-----> Build
       Running build (yarn)
       yarn run v1.22.19
       $ keystone build && keystone prisma migrate deploy
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly:
       Error: Could not find prisma-fmt binary. Searched in /tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/prisma-fmt-debian-openssl-3.0.x and /tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@prisma/prisma-fmt-debian-openssl-3.0.x
           at resolveBinary (/tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/dist/resolveBinary.js:92:9)
           at Object.formatSchema (/tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/dist/engine-commands/formatSchema.js:41:25)
           at getCommittedArtifacts (/tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@keystone-6/core/dist/
           at Object.validateCommittedArtifacts (/tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@keystone-6/core/dist/
           at (/tmp/build_5daef6db/node_modules/@keystone-6/core/scripts/dist/
error Command failed with exit code 1.
       info Visit for documentation about this command.
-----> Build failed
molomby commented 2 years ago

Seems to fail consistently; 3 for 3 attempts.

Possibly bumping the Keystone core version past 2.1.0 would help?