This version uses the AWS SDK directly and updates the adapter S3 parameter object to take advantage of all the S3 SDK parameters available to the API. Also, it adds headers to requests correctly and uses file.mimetype and file.size to correctly add Content-Type and Content-Length headers to the S3 upload Object. Finally, instead of using "s3.upload" this adapter uses "s3.putObject" which follows the SDK best practices and preserves any versioning that might be enabled on S3
This version uses the AWS SDK directly and updates the adapter S3 parameter object to take advantage of all the S3 SDK parameters available to the API. Also, it adds headers to requests correctly and uses file.mimetype and file.size to correctly add Content-Type and Content-Length headers to the S3 upload Object. Finally, instead of using "s3.upload" this adapter uses "s3.putObject" which follows the SDK best practices and preserves any versioning that might be enabled on S3