In some instances, the return door is not appearing on Labyrinth-style maps, preventing players from teleporting back to previous levels. Log files indicate that the door is initially spawned, suggesting it might be overwritten or removed during the map generation process.
Identify Root Cause: Investigate why the return door is disappearing on certain Labyrinth maps.
Fix Missing Door: Implement a solution to ensure the return door is always present and functional.
Improve Error Handling: Add logging or error messages to provide more information when the issue occurs.
Possible Causes:
Overwriting: Other map elements or generation steps might be replacing the return door.
Incorrect Placement: The door might be placed in an invalid location (e.g., inside a wall).
Timing Issues: The door might be spawned but removed before the map is finalized.
In some instances, the return door is not appearing on Labyrinth-style maps, preventing players from teleporting back to previous levels. Log files indicate that the door is initially spawned, suggesting it might be overwritten or removed during the map generation process.
Possible Causes: