kfarst / TodoApp

Android todo list app
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[Android Bootcamp] Project 0: Todo - Ready for Review #1

Open kfarst opened 8 years ago

kfarst commented 8 years ago

My app is complete, please review. /cc @codepathreview @codepath

Also, as mentioned in the README, I was having trouble implementing data binding, is it an external library or included in the latest Android API? Thanks!

nesquena commented 8 years ago

Hi Kevin,

Looks great, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer learn the practical elements of Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.

Great to see you were able to complete many extension tasks already as well. The extension tasks available on each project are often the most valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common real-world Android use cases.

The next step is to schedule a short 10 minute phone conversation with us. Navigate to today's date and onward from there and choose an available 15-minute slot in the mornings or evenings. Let us know if none of those times work.

Once you select a slot, can you make sure to include the best number to reach you at in the invite?

Prior to the interview, can you take some time to research the most common Android Activity lifecycle methods as well as the ArrayAdapter pattern used when working with lists? We will be discussing these topics with you conceptually in the phone call. We encourage you to search our guides as well as any other sources you'd like.

Look forward to chatting soon!

nesquena commented 8 years ago

Also, as mentioned in the README, I was having trouble implementing data binding, is it an external library or included in the latest Android API? Thanks!

This guide or this one both do the trick. Just need something like this in build/app.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.0'
    compile 'com.android.support:support-v13:23.4.0'

and then:

android {
      dataBinding {
        enabled = true

and then hit the "Sync with gradle button". Let me know if you aren't able to get it working.

kfarst commented 8 years ago

No errors, thanks @nesquena ! However it just does not recognize either MainActivityBinding or ActivityMainBinding, I even tried making sure the XML file name matched the java file name but it does like either object type. Thoughts?

nesquena commented 8 years ago

According to the docs:

By default, a Binding class will be generated based on the name of the layout file, converting it to Pascal case and suffixing “Binding” to it. The above layout file was main_activity.xml so the generate class was MainActivityBinding

If your xml name is activity_main.xml than DataBinding class name will be ActivityMainBinding.

If your xml name is main_activity.xml than DataBinding class name will be MainActivityBinding.

Don't forget to clean and re-build the project

If you can't get it working for now, no worries.