Open Crackwhacker opened 7 years ago
example: sze: Heinz Baked Beans are the best breakfast food in existence dean: No ur wrong, halo is
sze: "Gary, why are you being dodgy?" Gary: "It's not called "being dodgy". It's just called being "less than legit""
[In the library, tucked away in a hidden corner] gary: "Honhonhon..." sze: "wtf, why are you always so dodgy?" gary: "It's not called "being dodgy",bruh. It's called being "wise to the ways of the authorities"
[gym] Shane Fisher: "You're all beautiful people full of value and gold" class "..." Shane Fisher: "Except you (insert name), nobody likes you" class "muttering and nodding in agreement"
Roy Zhang quotes Soon the immortal Roybot will be born, just you wait and see Help me achieve my goals of total world unity, this utopia will last forever I will create a new era, where people will listen to me and there will be equality and appreciation of yo-yo's every day! Some day my dreams will be fulfilled, some day... I am Roy, the voice of the Social Justice! Can you see now, Arthur Sze, the moment of salvation is at hand.
Derek Sun Quotes variations on ceebs, szeebs, seebz, seabs, ceabs, hsceebs, szeabs fuck i cant talk shit cos i forgot
William Yang -> reich mode Ich lüge zur Schule, und die Idioten glauben es I lie to school, and the idiots believe it
Dieser letzte Akt der Täuschung wird den ATAR unserer Klasse retten, aber du wirst sterben This final act of deceit will save the our grade's ATAR, but you will die
Ich liebe 99.95 ATAR, I love 99.95 atar
He who controls the youth, controls the nations grades
Those who want to get a decent mark (99+), i will let them live, but those who are drop kick in this world of eternal struggle...
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[character]: [Dialogue]
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