kfix / Mitsu_NTSC_Jungle_MITM

Becomes the man in the middle of the TV set. For great RGB modding justice!
MIT License
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Compatibility #1

Open Slypty opened 2 months ago

Slypty commented 2 months ago

I'd been searching to see if there was a method around for a JVC-20F242, and this Mitsu project appears to be a very close match.

The Jungle Chip is a M61203CFP (yours is M61203BFP) The Micon is OEC7043C.. yours is OEC7044A...

Seems that my Jungle Chip has more RAM and some other features such as USB and CAN bus.
I couldn't find any info on the OEC7044A, so I can't compare it to mine, but it does have a CLK1 and DATA1 pin on pins 71 and 72.

Think it's worth a shot to follow the way you did it with 4 pull ups?

kfix commented 2 months ago

I never found a data sheet for my MICOM chip, just its pin names on the service manual

someone on Reddit is claiming that the JVC-20F242 is already using analog RGB for the OSD, ~so maybe you can do a more typical RGB mux mod and just tap the signal in~, but they are wrong..

sorry, reread that post and its linked diagram, they are looking at the output signal which is for the gun and you don't want to mess with that since you can't properly tune the display if you inject there

if you can find tap points like I did for i2c, then maybe it'll work. decide how much you wanna risk the TV to do it....

mine is still working. only thing that bugs me is that I usually have to cycle the TV's power button twice to get the display started after its been off for awhile. I suspect the MICOM is booted before the ESP is warmed up, so some early init signals to the jungle/chroma chip aren't forwarded.

Slypty commented 2 months ago

I fought with a STM32 for a few hours and always had errors, no matter which framework or additional workarounds I could find.. I did use an AI to approach the issues but, even the AI couldn't figure out a workaround. Trying an ESP32-WROOM-32 as an alternative. I found working settings with Platform.ini (VSCode): [env:esp32-wroom-32] board = esp32dev platform = espressif32 board_build.mcu = esp32 board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L