kfogel / OneTime

An open source encryption program that uses the "one-time pad" method.
32 stars 14 forks source link

Nostalgia Feature #9

Closed PowerPress closed 10 years ago

PowerPress commented 10 years ago

Please provide an option to utilize the tradition 5 character blocks format. This truly provides nostalgia that people wanting to utilize this tool will enjoy. With the option of Alphabetic format or Numeric.

Alphabetic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:One-time_pad.svg Numberic http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/pics/otp-ogorodnikov-full.jpg

kfogel commented 10 years ago

I agree: it's nostalgiac. But keeping the code as simple and minimal as possible outweighs the attractiveness of a feature that will be of purely aesthetic value to only a few users :-).