kfoxIsProgrammer / Sysc3110_Risk

This is used for our Sysc 3110 Project. The game of risk
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UML: You need to follow proper UML notation, your UML is currently missing all the relationship arrows #5

Open MohamedZalat opened 3 years ago

MohamedZalat commented 3 years ago

You can't simply use arrows to represent the dependencies between the classes. You need to provide the has-a relationships and the inheritance relationships (when there are inheritance relationships). Currently you are simply using dependency arrows that do not reflect the nature of the relationship between the classes. For example RiskModel should have a has-a relationship with Player.

NOTE: The has-a/aggregation relationship (empty diamond) is different from the composition relationship (solid diamond).

kfoxIsProgrammer commented 3 years ago

We have changed how the uml is presented using proper notation. I hope this will clarify our true design. We will also document this in one of our documentation files

MohamedZalat commented 3 years ago

You are not using the proper arrow for the has-a relation between RiskModel and Map, RiskModel and ActionContext, and RiskView and MapContainer.

MohamedZalat commented 3 years ago
