kfoxIsProgrammer / Sysc3110_Risk

This is used for our Sysc 3110 Project. The game of risk
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UML sequence diagram: Invalid notation and operations all over the place #6

Open MohamedZalat opened 3 years ago

MohamedZalat commented 3 years ago

You have Player class sending itself to the model??

kfoxIsProgrammer commented 3 years ago

Haha I hope the new Sequence diagram will make up for the last one

MohamedZalat commented 3 years ago

M2: sequence diagram is still not correct. 'Controller to Model' arrow should not be there as it is not a method call. Create arrows are different from method calls, check the UML syntax online.

MohamedZalat commented 3 years ago

M3: Your sequence diagram is unreadable. It contains irrelevant sequence of actions such as the new game sequence combined with the attack sequence. You need a sequence diagram for: fortify, attack, place bonus troops.