kfpotts1 / mp.Me

Organize your music in a way that makes sense with mp.Me. This project is currently under development.
MIT License
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Renaming Files - Mac #22

Open kfpotts1 opened 7 years ago

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

The software can rename selected files to a specific format:

Done: Files can be renamed according to a naming convention specified by the user: e.g. "Song_Artist_Album" to "Artist - Song - Album"

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

3 hours, lol got almost nowhere

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

1 hour fixing intellij... 1 hour figuring out git branches and pull requests and another 2.25 getting rename file funtionality

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

1 hour dealing with intellij and git issues 1.5 hours working on file name parser

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

2.5 hours working on parsing and resorting of name conventions

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

3 hours, working on parsing old file paths to new path

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

6 hours, Done deal, done done done

kfpotts1 commented 7 years ago

works on windows to btw