kfuku52 / amalgkit

RNA-seq data amalgamation for a large-scale evolutionary transcriptomics
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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supporting in-house fastq input #54

Closed kfuku52 closed 3 years ago

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

There is a work-around discussed previously, but amalgkit should officially support it. @Hego-CCTB This feature will be necessary for your project anyway, so could you take care of it?

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

yes! I want to start processing my own data soon, anyway, so I can do this in tandem. Originally I wanted to do this as part of sanity, but it may be better to have this as it's own functionality.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

One issue that immediately comes to my mind is the case when someone wants to mix SRA data and own data, just because of the metadata column differences. It will probably be necessary to expand merge to be able to integrate an "SRA metadata.tsv" and an "in-house metadata.tsv".

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

Yes, we should design it carefully. My idea on the workflow is:

  1. Run amalgkit metadata to collect NCBI's data
  2. Put all fastq files in a directory. The structure can be simply /own_fastq_dir/*.fq or /own_fastq_dir/GENUS_SPECIES/*.fq.
  3. Run amalgkit sanity or a tailored subcommand that takes --metadata and --own_fastq_dir as options. This operation appends own fastq info to the existing metadata table and outputs the combined table in /metadata/metadata. Most likely, what we can do here is to add very little info, such as scientific_name, is_sampled (Yes), is_qualified (Yes), exclusion (no), run (any IDs should be fine, but probably we can extract an ID from the file name), lib_layout (guess it from file names. _1 & _2 or not), spot_length, total_spots, total_bases, size, and a new column that stores absolute PATH to the fastq file. seqkit stats would be useful if python-based libraries are too slow to calculate seq statistics.
  4. Manually fill the metadata table. The minimum addition should be scientific_name (if not added yet), curate_group. Other info can be filled as well but won't change amalgkit's behavior.
  5. Run amalgkit getfastq. getfastq shouldn't make any changes to the original fastq files but use it as fastp input, and generate .amalgkit.fastq in /getfastq/RUN. If fastp is disabled, the required operation is only to copy the file.
  6. Run amalgkit quant and downstream subcommand as usual.
Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I agree on most points.

Yes, we should design it carefully. My idea on the workflow is:

  1. Run amalgkit metadata to collect NCBI's data

By this you probably mean the case I've mention above, where someone would want to mix in-house and SRA data, right? So you would combine the SRA metadata and in-house metadata right in this subfunction rather than later during merge?

Yeah, that is likely more sensible esp. for quant input later.

  1. Run amalgkit sanity or a tailored subcommand that takes --metadata and --own_fastq_dir as options. This operation appends own fastq info to the existing metadata table and outputs the combined table in /metadata/metadata. Most likely, what we can do here is to add very little info, such as scientific_name, is_sampled (Yes), is_qualified (Yes), exclusion (no), run (any IDs should be fine, but probably we can extract an ID from the file name), lib_layout (guess it from file names. _1 & _2 or not), spot_length, total_spots, total_bases, size, and a new column that stores absolute PATH to the fastq file. seqkit stats would be useful if python-based libraries are too slow to calculate seq statistics.
  2. Manually fill the metadata table. The minimum addition should be scientific_name (if not added yet), curate_group. Other info can be filled as well but won't change amalgkit's behavior.

An alternative solution to this would be how Trinity handles --sample_list. If you have multiple samples for assembly, you can create a simple .txt file in this format:

                    cond_A    cond_A_rep1    A_rep1_left.fq    A_rep1_right.fq
                    cond_A    cond_A_rep2    A_rep2_left.fq    A_rep2_right.fq
                    cond_B    cond_B_rep1    B_rep1_left.fq    B_rep1_right.fq
                    cond_B    cond_B_rep2    B_rep2_left.fq    B_rep2_right.fq

This would have two up-sides: 1) The user can fill in the data before starting amalgkit and can have this run without supervision until the files are ready for quant and beyond. And 2) this of course simplifies the coding too, if we just have to parse in a file.

  1. Run amalgkit getfastq. getfastq shouldn't make any changes to the original fastq files but use it as fastp input, and generate .amalgkit.fastq in /getfastq/RUN. If fastp is disabled, the required operation is only to copy the file.

Makes sense, but rather than adjusting and running getfastq I'd just borrow the run_fastp function from there and run it within sanity/new subfunction

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

Makes sense, but rather than adjusting and running getfastq I'd just borrow the run_fastp function from there and run it within sanity/new subfunction

I think we should stick to getfastq. Is there any advantage to separately run it?

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

This would have two up-sides: 1) The user can fill in the data before starting amalgkit and can have this run without supervision until the files are ready for quant and beyond. And 2) this of course simplifies the coding too, if we just have to parse in a file.

metadata.tsv should be manually inspected anyway, no matter whether you have your own fastq or not. To me, it's difficult to imagine that requiring another format of input metadata save user's time and our coding effort.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

Ah, yeah I assumed that the SRA data would already be downloaded and processed and it would be the in-house data that needed to "catch up".

It makes much more sense if the SRA data still needs to go through getfastq download. In that case I agree with the workflow above.

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

It wouldn't be a problem even if SRA data were already processed. You can set getfastq/quant --redo no and the SRA download won't start again.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

For me it was more about just skipping getfastq altogether and not needing to manually start a different command before quant, or would you have getfastq automatically be called by amalgkit?

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

getfastq automatically be called by amalgkit

I'm not sure what this mean, but getfastq should be evoked manually, just like any other subcommands should be too.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

getfastq automatically be called by amalgkit

I'm not sure what this mean, but getfastq should be evoked manually, just like any other subcommands should be too.

Gotcha! I'll stick to the above workflow!

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

3. seqkit stats would be useful if python-based libraries are too slow to calculate seq statistics.

I have decided to go with this approach. This turns out to be really fast (esp. on multiple threads) and I don't have to worry about gzipped files.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

Ok, I am at a point where I can infer/calculate sequence statistics and put them into a metadata.tsv. The metadata of the private fastq data can also be merged with public fastq metadata, if the --metadata parameter is provided. This is how the private fastq metadata looks like: tmp_metadata.tsv.zip And this is how it looks like when merged with public fastq metadata: metadata.tsv.zip

Note: For testing purposes I included only one of the reads for the PAUL23 samples to see if it gets recognized as single liblayout. This process assumes that forward/reverse reads are distinguished by _X and _Y, like sample1_1.fastq.gz and sample1_2.fastq.gz. (fq.gz, .fastq, and .fq should also be supported file formats, as well as any number of underscores in the sample name, like sample_1_1.fastq.gz and sample_1_2.fastq.gz)

Todo list:

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

To be consistent with SRA's metadata, is_sampled and is_qualified should be Yes. But I feel the SRA's side should be changed to yes so it's consistent with other fields such as exclusion.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

Amalgkit version

EXAMPLE USAGE OF amalgkit integrate:

amalgkit integrate -w PATH/TO/WORKING/DIRECTORY \
 --fastq_dir  PATH/TO/FASTQ/DIRECTORY   \
--threads 8  \

USAGE OF amalgkit getfastq

Currently running tests including all combinations of public/private single/paired files, as well as making sure the original getfastq usage with just public files still runs normally. I'll push the update after testing.

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

rolled out the update: https://github.com/kfuku52/amalgkit/commit/b9eec3fc0c1947542be4e56ad9ab3627d5892458

kfuku52 commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

Simply add --private_fastq yes to the getfastq command you would usually use and supply the appropriate amalgkit integrate metadata sheet to --metadata

I'm not sure if --private_fastq is necessary because getfastq should process all entries in the metadata table. So isn't it enough to pass integrate-derived metadata to getfastq?

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

Hmm. I suppose it's possible to look for presence of integrate specific columns and set a flag in the code, rather than by the user, yes. Yeah, I can obsolete the --private_fastq argument!

Hego-CCTB commented 3 years ago

Amalgkit version
