kg-construct / rml-core

RML-Core: Main features for RDF generation with RML
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How to construct graph object #138

Closed Spothedog1 closed 2 months ago

Spothedog1 commented 2 months ago

Say I have the following CSV:

id, title, geometry
1, 'feature 1', 'POLYGON(...)'
2, 'feature 2', 'POLYGON(...)'

I'm trying to turn this into a geosparql compatible graph. Each row in the CSV would have to look like:

    a geo:Feature ;
    skos:prefLabel "feature 1" ;
    geo:hasGeometry [
        geo:asWKT "POLYGON(...)"^^geo:wktLiteral ;
    ] ;

The graph would look like

graph LR
    A((eg:1)) -->|rdf:type| B((geo:Feature))
    A -->|skos:prefLabel| C(("feature 1"))
    A -->|geo:hasGeometry| D((BlankNode))
    D -->|geo:asWKT| E(("POLYGON (...)"))

I'm stuck on how I would generate a blank node that points to the WKT

@prefix rr: <> .
@prefix over: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .

<feature> a rml:TriplesMap;

    rml:logicalSource [
        a rml:LogicalSource;
        rr:sqlVersion rr:SQL2008;

    rml:subjectMap [
        rml:template "{id}" ;
        rml:class geo:Feature;

    rml:predicateObjectMap [
        rml:predicate skos:prefLabel ;
        rml:objectMap [ rml:reference "title" ]

    rr:predicateObjectMap [
        rr:predicate geo:hasGeometry;
        rr:objectMap [
#.           TODO: How would this work?
#            rr:parentTriplesMap <#GeometryMap>
          rml:termType: rml:BlankNode

How would I generate the triple?

<blank_node from objectMap> geo:asWKT "POLYGON(...)"^^geo:wktLiteral ;

dachafra commented 2 months ago

Sorry, this is not an issue for the spec. it's a question about how to do things. Please, open it in the proper repository (rml-questions --> discussions)

Spothedog1 commented 2 months ago

Ok will do, haven't seen a separate repo for Discussions only before so didn't know where to put it.