kg-construct / rml-core

RML-Core: Main features for RDF generation with RML
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Data error handling (e.g., lenient mode) #68

Open bjdmeest opened 1 year ago

bjdmeest commented 1 year ago

There are a couple of MUST statements in the spec that depend on the actual data that could be revisited to support some kind of 'lenient' mode of processing the mapping document.

For example: I have a mapping file with 10 triples maps that map 10 tables, which I use for mapping databases A and B (and many more others). 3 of those tables are optional in database B, crashing the mapping engine due to the fact that a logical source description MUST resolve to a data source (see eg R2RML spec)

It's an open question on whether this is functionality of the mapping engine or a feature of the language, however I think it would be good to clarify which errors should result in exiting the engine vs handling gracefully

dachafra commented 5 months ago

I think this issue is very related to the recent issue closed #32. IMHO, at this moment, it is out of the scope of the CG but we can transfer this issue to best-practices and/or mark it as working-group. In a more general way, but these issues are clarified in Data Errors section.