kgisl / project-ideas

Project ideas for students at KITE, KGCAS, IIM and anybody else!
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Convert PDF file into a Markdown version #10

Open kgashok opened 8 years ago

kgashok commented 8 years ago

This will allow for students to edit the file themselves and update their repo information against their respective titles.

Goal: The file needs to converted from PDF to markdown.

First convert from PDF to Word doc (docx or doc). and then use pandoc to convert to Markdown. Please read

Convert PDF to TXT to Markdown

Alternatively, I have generated a txt version of the PDF ( This can be processed using a Python script (or any other program) to generate a markdown version. Who will be the first one to complete this?

Organizing information in tables in Markdown

kgashok commented 8 years ago

Here's a sample format of the markdown file that is required - (with dummy placeholders for students to edit-in their repo names as when they create it).

Here's the raw text version cut-and-pasted from the link above:

| SNo | Student Name |  Repo | Project Title | Domain |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | Anitha M | | Giveaway - An App for Organ Donation | Mobile App |  
| 2 | Suresh Kannan | | Healthcare Management App | Mobile App | 
| 3 | Tamilarasi P | | Expense Manager | Mobile App | 
kgashok commented 8 years ago

Here's a tool for PDF -> Markdown (results may vary).