IEEE Std 1016-1998
IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions
Abstract: The necessary information content and recommendations for an organization for Software Design Descriptions (SDDs) are described. An SDD is a representation of a software system that is used as a medium for communicating software design information. This recommended practice is applicable to paper documents, automated databases, design description languages, or other means of description.
Keywords: software design, software design description, software life cycle process
1. 기획
2. 구조화
3. 문서작성
4. 리뷰
초안작성자와, 팀원이 진행
문서작성시 유의점
반드시 두괄식은 아니지만 도입부를 정의하고 시작하면 좋을것 같다.
배경 목적 범위를 도입부에 간략하게 작성하면 이해가 편할수 있다.
외국 문자와 혼동은 피한다. 기술용어는 영어로 써야겠지만, 일반 단어를 영어화하지않는다.
IEEE Std 1016-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions Abstract: The necessary information content and recommendations for an organization for Software Design Descriptions (SDDs) are described. An SDD is a representation of a software system that is used as a medium for communicating software design information. This recommended practice is applicable to paper documents, automated databases, design description languages, or other means of description.
Keywords: software design, software design description, software life cycle process
개요 1.1 문서의 목적 1.2 문서의 범위 1.3 소프트웨어 /프로젝트 기능요약
데이터 설계 2.1 개체 관계도 2.2 테이블
아키텍쳐 설계 3.1 데이터 흐름도