Closed faridseifi closed 3 months ago
<!-- Link to the "implemented by" object property from SWO-->
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="">
<rdfs:label>implemented by</rdfs:label>
<iao:0000115>implemented by, def., is the relationship between a service and a piece of software which includes an implementation of that service for use when the software is executed. </iao:0000115>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/> <!-- SWO: Software -->
We have the following two options for software.
The one from SWO is defined based on the one from RO. The one defined under SWO seems to have a better definition. Which one should we use?
Is this the right approach to define this relationship? The main reason for this question is that the following is what will be included in the context file and later we need to use SWO_0000085 to refer to this relationship in knowledge objects' metadata:
"SWO_0000085" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "@id"
Add the relationship between Service and software: a service is implemented by a software
Preferred term label: implemented by
Definition (free text) Implemented by is the relationship between a service and a piece of software which includes an implementation of that service for use when the software is executed.
Domain KOIO: service
Range IAO: service