khacpv / Calendar-Day-View

Calendar Day View is an android library to display calendars day view within the app. It supports custom styling.
MIT License
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Event color change #1

Closed cristidan94 closed 7 years ago

cristidan94 commented 7 years ago

Hello! It seems I am unable the set a color of the event to be created. I also need to change the color after an action has been performed on an event(on click). How do I achieve this? Thank you! I even tried your example, I logged the values parsed to the Event constructor and it prints the int representation (example: -49023 ), but I can't get to sort it out.

khacpv commented 7 years ago

@cristidan94 thank you for your reporting! I made a PR: to update event color.

to set color, you might need to use CalendarDayView.setEvents(List) after change data. for example:

((CdvDecorationDefault) (dayView.getDecoration())).setOnEventClickListener(
     public void onEventViewClick(View view, EventView eventView, IEvent data) {
          // change data (ex: set event color)
          ((Event) data).setColor(Color.RED);

          // refresh data

or you can create your own Decoration to fit your desired.

cristidan94 commented 7 years ago

@khacpv Thank you for your fast answer, now it does work just as you said it would, using the .setEvents(events) to invalidate/redraw. One more question, device-2017-02-13-105735 You can see in this screenshot I have some events. Each event has in its top left corner and top right corner some characters(in the left I have the date and in the right some chinese characters?). I really want to set the visibility of this fields to Invisible/Gone. Is there any way to do that? Thanks again for the support!

khacpv commented 7 years ago

@cristidan94 to hide header texts, you should create your own decoration. Then find and hide them:

public class CustomDecoration extends CdvDecorationDefault {

    public DayViewDecoration(Context context) {

    public EventView getEventView(final IEvent event, Rect eventBound, int hourHeight,
            int seperateHeight) {
        final EventView eventView =
                super.getEventView(event, eventBound, hourHeight, seperateHeight);

        // hide event name
        TextView textEventName = (TextView) eventView.findViewById(;

        // hide event header
        TextView textHeader1 = (TextView) eventView.findViewById(;
        TextView textHeader2 = (TextView) eventView.findViewById(;


        return eventView;

    public PopupView getPopupView(final IPopup popup, Rect eventBound, int hourHeight,
            int seperateH) {
        PopupView popupView = super.getPopupView(popup, eventBound, hourHeight, seperateH);
        CardView cardView = (CardView) popupView.findViewById(;
        TextView textQuote = (TextView) popupView.findViewById(;
        TextView textTitle = (TextView) popupView.findViewById(;
        ImageView imvEnd = (ImageView) popupView.findViewById(;

        // do something with views

        return popupView;
cristidan94 commented 7 years ago

Works like a charm! Thank you, really useful library!