khalti / khalti-sdk-android

SDK for Khalti Android App
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Cannot find symbol Khalti.init when called from Java. #37

Closed therealyubraj closed 3 months ago

therealyubraj commented 3 months ago

When trying to call the init method of Khalti, I get cannot find symbol error.

         KhaltiPayConfig config = new KhaltiPayConfig(
        Khalti.init(ctx, config,
                // on payment result
                (paymentResult, khalti) -> {
                    Log.d("khalti", "On payment result");
                // on message
                (payload, khalti) -> {
                    Log.d("khalti", "On message");
                // on return
                (khalti) -> {
                    Log.d("khalti", "On return");

Reading the Kotlin doc for calling Kotlin static methods from java, @JvmStatic is required. Link to the doc.

Ishwor-Shrestha commented 3 months ago

Can you post the stacktrace and please provide a minimum reproducible code

Ishwor-Shrestha commented 3 months ago

How are you trying to invoke the init function? I can successfully invoke the function as follows:

therealyubraj commented 3 months ago

I see. It seems the Khalti.Companion.init(...) does work. My bad, thanks a lot. @Ishwor-Shrestha