khan4019 / tree-grid-directive

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Add a new function handler when the expanding property title is clicked #33

Closed diosney closed 9 years ago

diosney commented 9 years ago

@khan4019 Let me know your thoughts about this to send the PR :smile:

Currently the on-select handler triggers when clicking the +/- icons (as documentation says) and by clicking in the expanding property (undocumented).

There is a use case when this is not the wanted behavior, and is when I want to have a link in the expanding property that gets to the details of that resource, for instance, and since the method is triggering when cliking in the +/- icons then we can't have the two functionalities working at the same time since they conflict.

My suggestion is to let the on-select method triggering on the +/- icons, but have another method that will trigger when the expanding property title (the inner span) is clicked.

What do you think about this?

diosney commented 9 years ago

@khan4019 This new feature was added in the last PR. Documentation included.