khanhduytran0 / LiveContainer

Run iOS app without actually installing it!
Apache License 2.0
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[FR] Open urlscheme links in containerized apps. #162

Open franlerma opened 1 week ago

franlerma commented 1 week ago

Add ability to open app urlscheme inside LiveContainer. For example, for Twitter (X) url scheme links twitter://user?id=12345 something like:


It can be very useful to create shortcuts and open links in containerized applications. Thanks!

hugeBlack commented 1 week ago

This feature has already been implemented. Use the link button on the top right corner of "My App" screen.

What's more, you can use this shortcurt to open webpages in LiveContainer.

As for URL schemes, I think they are rather hard to obtain in iOS comparing to a link to webpage. If you think that opening URL schemes by livecontainer:// is still useful, I may consider implementing this feature.

franlerma commented 1 week ago

I have tried shortcut and the only thing I get is to open the LiveContainer app but it does nothing else.

I have also tried with the urlscheme that uses the shoot (livecontainer://open-web-page? Url=) without success.

On the other hand, which button are you referring? In the app I have Apps, Tweaks and Settings tabs. In the Apps tab, the "+" icon and Play appear in the upper right corner.

I'm using the latest ipa from the 2.1.2-release download section. commit fd71dd7. Thank you in advantage 👍

hugeBlack commented 1 week ago

Try new builds in "actions"