khanhduytran0 / LiveContainer

Run iOS app without actually installing it!
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] cannot run UTM vm #25

Open duckfromdiscord opened 9 months ago

duckfromdiscord commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

running a UTM vm causes it to say "failed to change directory" and then immediate crash

Instructions to reproduce

  1. Download a zipped premade VM from
  2. Unzip it and move the resulting .utm folder into the LiveContainer > Data > Application > [some UUID for UTM] > Documents folder. I cannot create VMs myself because of the issue in #24
  3. Run UTM from LiveContainer
  4. Boot the VM

What version of LiveContainer are you using?

Version 1.0-release (main/5ef1e6a)

Other info

No response

Tz4i commented 1 month ago

my theory as to why this happens is because apps inside the container cant write to the disc so they cant create any new files, any new data i saw this happen when i downloaded falloutce it was supposed to make a documents folder but it never did so i had to create it myself then it was also supposed to make a cfg file and it never did