khanlab / prepdwi

BIDS-app for pre-processing DWI (denoise, unring, top-up, eddy, bedpost.. )
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procEddy Origin Error Fix #17

Closed kaitj closed 4 years ago

kaitj commented 4 years ago

Issue came up when preprocessing some 7T dataduring the dwibiascorrect command during the ANTS N4 correction call. Image origins were slightly off (between mask and the input dwi).

Current PR fixes this by applying mrtransform to warp the mask such that the headers / image origins match. This does not actually check if the origins are different before applying the transform. The dwi and the mask should already be in the same space / have the same origin anyways so not quite sure where the difference popped up.

An example of this error and fix can be found here:

Additionally commented out last mv line within processEddy.