kharnam / inframate

This is a demo project orchestrating resources over IaaS platforms GCP and AWS.
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Implement error handler for "zone XXX-1-c does not have enough resources" #2

Open kharnam opened 5 years ago

kharnam commented 5 years ago

Logger: ` /Users/kharnam/dev/projects/inframate/.env/bin/python /Users/kharnam/dev/projects/inframate/inframate/ packer build 2018-10-30 21:37:00 - host_base - [ INFO] - Start host < localhost > initialization... 2018-10-30 21:37:00 - python_terraform - [ INFO] - -------------------------------------- 2018-10-30 21:37:00 - python_terraform - [ INFO] - Run Packer image build process... googlecompute output will be in this color.

==> googlecompute: Checking image does not exist... ==> googlecompute: Creating temporary SSH key for instance... ==> googlecompute: Using image: centos-7-v20181011 ==> googlecompute: Creating instance... googlecompute: Loading zone: us-east1-b googlecompute: Loading machine type: f1-micro googlecompute: Requesting instance creation... googlecompute: Waiting for creation operation to complete... ==> googlecompute: Error creating instance: 1 error(s) occurred: ==> googlecompute: ==> googlecompute: * The zone 'projects/adept-cascade-216916/zones/us-east1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later. Build 'googlecompute' errored: Error creating instance: 1 error(s) occurred:

The zone 'projects/adept-cascade-216916/zones/us-east1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later. ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> googlecompute: Error creating instance: 1 error(s) occurred:

The zone 'projects/adept-cascade-216916/zones/us-east1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later. ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.

Process finished with exit code 0 `

kharnam commented 5 years ago

Suggested solution: