khaukhau / COMP4010

This repository is used for project 1 of Data Visualization course
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Peer review for proposal - Group 5 #1

Open khointn opened 5 months ago

khointn commented 5 months ago

Hi, it's Nguyen Khoi from group 5. Here are some of my reviews of your proposal.

Overall, the proposal for analyzing tornado occurrences in the United States is well-structured, featuring a comprehensive dataset and clear research questions. It effectively outlines the variables and analytical techniques to be used, demonstrating a thoughtful approach to addressing the characteristics and impacts of tornadoes.

It could benefit from a few enhancements to further strengthen its quality, including:

Great job !!!

tienvu95 commented 5 months ago

there're not a lot of things we can discuss about this proposal as they spend lots of effort and gave good details on all the questions. It makes sense that you suggest them to include the data description, as they refer to a lot of the variables without explaining them in details. So having the full description will help the documents self-contained

thaohp113 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for such valid points. Here are our amendments for the proposal: