kheerand / Social-architecture-pattern-library

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Collection of knowledge categorisation methods #21

Open kheerand opened 2 years ago

kheerand commented 2 years ago

There are multiple ways to categorise knowledge. eg: Taxonomies, inventories, ... I wonder if there is a place for this as part of the patterns.

Is the knowledge categorisation method(s) used appropriate for the type of knowledge?

kheerand commented 1 year ago

here are several ways to categorize knowledge. Here are a few common ones:

Based on the source of knowledge:

Empirical knowledge: Knowledge gained through experience or observation.
Rational knowledge: Knowledge gained through reasoning or deduction.
Intuitive knowledge: Knowledge gained through insight or intuition.

Based on the level of abstraction:

Concrete knowledge: Knowledge that is specific, tangible, and based on sensory experience.
Abstract knowledge: Knowledge that is conceptual, theoretical, and not directly tied to sensory experience.

Based on the type of knowledge:

Declarative knowledge: Knowledge about facts or information.
Procedural knowledge: Knowledge about how to do something, such as a skill or procedure.
Conditional knowledge: Knowledge about when to apply certain knowledge or skills in different situations.

Based on the domain or subject area:

Scientific knowledge: Knowledge related to the natural or physical world, based on scientific method and evidence.
Social knowledge: Knowledge related to human behavior, culture, and society.
Philosophical knowledge: Knowledge related to fundamental questions about reality, existence, knowledge, and values.

Based on the degree of certainty or confidence:

Certain knowledge: Knowledge that is believed to be true beyond doubt.
Tentative knowledge: Knowledge that is subject to revision or refinement based on further evidence or investigation.
Probabilistic knowledge: Knowledge that is based on statistical probabilities and estimates.