kheerand / Social-architecture-pattern-library

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Revised structure of overall library #35

Open kheerand opened 2 years ago

kheerand commented 2 years ago

Structure the library against a taxonomy of 3 groups:

  1. Problems List of commonly seen problems.
  2. Problem patterns Set of problem patterns. These could be a set of problems that tend to occur together, or one leads to another
    or similar
  3. Solution components Set of components that go into making up a solution. Eg: Project management has Waterfall & Agile as to solution components,
    Agile has Scrum, Kanban.
  4. Solution patterns Solution patterns. This is a construction of a pattern typically derived from the solution components. Eg: Agile is a pattern
    that draws on Scrum, rituals, values...
  5. Problem-solution patterns Not entirely sure of this. I think there is a value in paring problem patterns with applicable solution patterns.