khellang / MimeTypes

A simple lookup from file name/extension to MIME/media type, generated from mime-db, which in turn is compiled from IANA, Apache and nginx's MIME types.
Apache License 2.0
93 stars 23 forks source link

Consolidating Efforts #12

Closed TonyValenti closed 8 months ago

TonyValenti commented 3 years ago

Hi @khellang - I am the new maintainer of:

and have recently published an update expanding to over 14,000 mime signatures. Are you open to combining/joining efforts? If so, can you add TonyValenti as a admin on the MimeTypes nuget package?

khellang commented 3 years ago

Hi @TonyValenti! 👋

Are you open to combining/joining efforts?

What would that mean, exactly? 🤔

TonyValenti commented 3 years ago

What I would like to do is build an update to MimeTypes that leverages the data and definitions used by Mime-Detective. There is a lot that could be shared between the two libraries.

khellang commented 3 years ago

I'd like to see more details, or possibly a PR outlining the changes you're suggesting.

This package is deliberately simple and ships a single .cs file as source. At runtime it's more or less a dictionary lookup. Generating the dictionary at build-time uses mime-db as source, which in turn aggregates IANA, apache and nginx.

Based on the above, I'm not sure what this package would gain by leveraging another package 🤔