A simple lookup from file name/extension to MIME/media type, generated from mime-db, which in turn is compiled from IANA, Apache and nginx's MIME types.
Independent of the file extensions, this library always returns application/x-cbr. This is incorrect, as there are specific MIME types for all the extensions, e.g. application/x-cbz or application/x-cb7.
To understand the impact, see the following issues in the Jellyfin project:
Independent of the file extensions, this library always returns
. This is incorrect, as there are specific MIME types for all the extensions, e.g.application/x-cbz
.To understand the impact, see the following issues in the Jellyfin project:
Here's a tl;dr:
(a.k.a. Rar) is a proprietary compression algorithm, so most FOSS eReaders will not accept it. :slightly_smiling_face: