khelonline / fundoo

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Proof of concept #1

Closed khelonline closed 12 years ago

khelonline commented 12 years ago

Ver 0.1

A single comics converted into tron like interface which is a proof of concept of the usability and user experience of a single comics.

Task: Convert a pdf(shared on dropbox) into exactly similar tron like interface.

Must have requirements: . Text should be readable. . Easily navigable (keyboard and mouse controls both). . Involve those tron kinda similar animations effects of images coming in and out.

Path followed:
. You will have to manually cut the sections of the pdf on your own right now. . Probably look into JQuery parallax as the solution for creating this effect. ( ( <Google for (jQuery + Parallax)>

The kinda effect I am talking about is this: 1) (here the images in an image are also put in different layers thus creating a 3D effect... we are not going that deep. would be too much complicated.) . Just see the scrolling pattern ... the music overhead and the story written below. 2) (Is too much computationally heavy... I guess they are loading all the images initially only... not when each is required at same time.)

P.S: . Won't involve database connectivity as such yet. . Make sure you load only those images which are required at a time. . Follow all those 14 principles you read about. . Try to make your code modular as in ..... you should be able to convert other pdfs also into similar interface without touching a line of code. An approach which could be followed is: Normally the comics has 4 type of image blocks. a) full page images.. b) 1/2 page block image b) a 1/4 page block image c) other smaller ones..

So you can probably write a function for all 4 kinda images. say for full image it should call the full image function which scrolls the image slowly while the other small images can scroll along with it on top... or something.. depends all on your creativity.

So basically you should be able to pick up the images from a directory.. which are named in numerical order of story to get the order in which they should appear and then depending on their size the appropriate function should be called.

Server Side : PHP Client Side: HTML,CSS,Javascript Js frameworks [[ JQuery , Fx ( - animation library in javascript] Database - MySQL

Application hosting: Code hosting:

08bce051 commented 12 years ago

so what i supposed to do?

khelonline commented 12 years ago

updated... the task.....!! :) sms me... call me... mail me... anything which is faster... if you have any confusion... And please keep you cell open... and try to be online on skype.

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khelonline commented 12 years ago

updated everything.... let me know if any doubt.

also keep your cell on and remain online on skype and add other team members to skype too.

so what i supposed to do?

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khelonline commented 12 years ago