khenriks / mp3fs

FUSE-based transcoding filesystem from FLAC to MP3
GNU General Public License v3.0
388 stars 46 forks source link

ALAC Support #2

Open khenriks opened 12 years ago

khenriks commented 12 years ago

Add support for Apple Lossless audio files

luckyyvt commented 8 years ago

+1 for adding ALAC support. Being able to have my FLACs & ALACs being presented as MP3 would be excellent! Unfortunately due to the iOS ecosystem still maintain a fair amount of ALAC files.

herrbischoff commented 8 years ago


I'm absolutely for this. Being able to skip converting my multi-terabyte music archive (yes, I have literally hundreds of CDs stashed in boxes somewhere) from ALAC to FLAC would be fantastic.