khenriks / mp3fs

FUSE-based transcoding filesystem from FLAC to MP3
GNU General Public License v3.0
382 stars 46 forks source link

Reorganize logic to make code more clear #34

Closed robertyseward closed 9 years ago

robertyseward commented 9 years ago

Reorganize logic to make code more clear

khenriks commented 9 years ago

Can you make the commit message be "Reorganize logic to make code more clear"? Right now it's not as direct as it could be. Sorry about being so picky.

robertyseward commented 9 years ago

Being new to GitHub, I am not sure which thing is the commit message, so I changed the title and the comment. Or do I need to change the git commit message?

khenriks commented 9 years ago

I meant the actual git commit message, sorry. The comment and the title for the pull request don't matter to me as much.

robertyseward commented 9 years ago

git is not cooperating with me for some reason, so I am going to close this pull request and create a new one with the same change, but the commit message that you want.