khenriks / mp3fs

FUSE-based transcoding filesystem from FLAC to MP3
GNU General Public License v3.0
382 stars 46 forks source link

Large memory footprint persisted when no longer in use #51

Closed brianmarx closed 4 years ago

brianmarx commented 7 years ago

Hello and thanks for this nifty transcoderfs!

I have mine set up to be visible via Apache's default directory viewer. (please don't /r/opendirectories me)

A friend viewed and listened to a single song, but many times. From the access logs it appears he seeked and restarted, and listened for variable lengths each time. Nothing showed in the error log.

Several hours later, mp3fs was still listed as taking around 500 mb of memory, until i un- and remounted it (back to normal now!). it was also still using several threads. Seems it did not properly drop and reload the file when apache re-served it.

thanks again!

khenriks commented 6 years ago

Can you give me more details on the setup. Which version of apache was this? Leaking the file handles could cause this, but I'm not sure if that's what's taking place.

khenriks commented 6 years ago

Another useful bit of debugging info: does restarting Apache also cause the memory to be recovered?

khenriks commented 4 years ago

Closing for lack of information.