khibino / haskell-relational-record

This repository includes a joined query generator based on typefull relational algebra, and mapping tools between SQL values list and Haskell record type.
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Slightly safer way to use pseudo/hidden columns? #22

Open debug-ito opened 9 years ago

debug-ito commented 9 years ago

In SQLite3, we can use rowid pseudo-column and last_insert_rowid() function to query the last inserted record.

To build such a query with HRR, I tried

lastInsertRecord :: Table r -> Pi r v -> Relation () v
lastInsertRecord tab selector = relation $ do
  record <- query $ table tab
  let rowid = unsafeProjectSql "rowid"
      last_rowid = unsafeProjectSql "last_insert_rowid()"
  wheres $ rowid .=. last_rowid
  return (record ! selector)

This gives me a Relation like:

>>> lastInsertRecord tableOfSample id'
SELECT ALL T0.sample_id AS f0, T0.val AS f1 FROM MAIN.sample T0 WHERE (rowid = last_insert_rowid())

This works. However, because rowid is a pseudo-column of sample table, it should be T0.rowid in the above query.

So, is there any way to specify rowid as a pseudo-column of a table?

khibino commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your reporting.

I added the support of Register monad for INSERT statement in , and .

And, I updated the example of constant INSERT using Register monad. ( )

debug-ito commented 8 years ago

Great work! Thank you.

But I think the commits you mentioned are related to #20. Not this issue.