khibino / haskell-relational-record

This repository includes a joined query generator based on typefull relational algebra, and mapping tools between SQL values list and Haskell record type.
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ShowConstantTermsSQL for ZonedTime and UTCTime #35

Closed bssstudio closed 8 years ago

bssstudio commented 8 years ago


I am trying to use relational record to interface a postgreSQL database and I am working with timezone field in the table.

I am able to set the type mapping for sql types to treat postgreSQL timezone (without time stamp) as UTCTime or ZonedTime:

mapFromSqlDefault :: [(String, TypeQ)]
mapFromSqlDefault =
           , ("timestamp",    [t| ZonedTime |])

but I run into trouble when trying to write a query:

validAtTimeRel :: ZonedTime -> String -> Relation () ExampleTable
validAtTimeRel time tsid = relation $ do
  ptd <- query exampleTable
  wheres $ (value time) .>=. ptd ! validFrom' 
    `and'` (value time) .<. ptd ! validTo'
  return ptd

I get an error:

    No instance for (ShowConstantTermsSQL ZonedTime)
      arising from a use of ‘value’
    In the first argument of ‘(.>=.)’, namely ‘(value time)’
    In the first argument of ‘and'’, namely
      ‘(value time) .>=. ptd ! validFrom'’
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
      ‘(value time) .>=. ptd ! validFrom'
         (value time) .<. ptd ! validTo'

Can UTCTime and ZonedTime be added to relational query? Can I make an instance of ShowConstantTermsSQL for ZonedTime and UTCTime myself?

Any help is appreciated.

bssstudio commented 8 years ago

I'm currently using the following dependencies:

  - sql-words-
  - HDBC-
  - HDBC-postgresql-
  - HDBC-session-
  - names-th-
  - persistable-record-
  - relational-query-
  - relational-query-HDBC-
  - relational-schemas-

I have also checked that there are no mentioned instances in relational-query- (latest on hackage at the time of writing).

khibino commented 8 years ago

I think this is resolved by merging.