An app to manage tasks. A user can add, delete and edit a task and mark it as completed, It uses a simple GUI and relies on DOM manipulation in pure JS and using local storage.
In this Pull Request, I fulfilled the following requirements🔥:
Remove all hardcoded items from the tasks array.
Create a new JavaScript file for the new functionality.
Implement a function for adding a new task (add a new element to the array).
Implement a function for deleting a task (remove an element from the array).
Implement a function for editing task descriptions.
By default new tasks should have the property completed set to false and the property index set to the value of the new array length (i.e. if you're adding a 5th task to the list, the index of that task should equal to 5).
Deleting a task should update all remaining items' indexes, so they represent the current list order and are unique(i.e. if you're deleting the first task index 1 from the list, the index of the next task(2) should be set to 1)...
All changes to the To-Do List should be saved in local storage.
In this Pull Request, I fulfilled the following requirements🔥:
set tofalse
and the propertyindex
set to the value of the new array length (i.e. if you're adding a 5th task to the list, the index of that task should equal to 5).