I have a program which does some basic enqueues and dequeues, and noticed that when I run with google/TCMalloc I get the following error:
size check failed 1152 32 3
This indicates that there was a call to a sized delete with size 32 bytes (rounded up to the nearest size class I believe), when the pointer returned by allocate pointed to memory of size 1152 bytes. I think it's likely that the allocated pointer was cast to a base class somewhere, and then deleted (I've verified that doing this causes the same tcmalloc error). This is not allowed link:
Deallocates the storage referenced by the pointer p, which must be a pointer obtained by an earlier call to allocate()
I was unable to figure out if the bad cast was in the hazard pointer code or the segmented queue code, but here is a stack trace that might be helpful:
tcmalloc/tcmalloc.cc:917] size check failed 1152 32 3
tcmalloc/tcmalloc.cc:804] CorrectSize(ptr, size, align) @ 0x40f14c 0x7ffff77901c2 0x414998 0x4149ff 0x7ffff6402ba3
*** Aborted at 1685643512 (unix time) try "date -d @1685643512" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @ 0x0 (unknown)
*** SIGABRT (@0x88900007eeb) received by PID 32491 (TID 0x7fff702c8700) from PID 32491; stack trace: ***
@ 0x7ffff7e32667 google::(anonymous namespace)::FailureSignalHandler()
@ 0x7ffff5b98cf0 (unknown)
@ 0x7ffff580caff __GI_raise
@ 0x7ffff57dfea5 __GI_abort
@ 0x40b1de _ZN8tcmalloc17tcmalloc_internal5CrashENS0_9CrashModeEPKciNS0_7LogItemES4_S4_S4_S4_S4_.cold
@ 0x4918bf TCMallocInternalDeleteArraySized
@ 0x40f14c _ZZN3cds2gc2HP6retireINS_9intrusive14SegmentedQueueIS1_lNS_9container7details20make_segmented_queueIS1_lNS5_15segmented_queue6traitsEE21intrusive_type_traitsEE12segment_list16segment_disposerENSC_7segmentEEEvPT0_ENUlPvE_4_FUNESI_
@ 0x7ffff77901c2 cds::gc::hp::smr::inplace_scan()
@ 0x414998 _ZZN2yb22QueuePerformanceHelper11DoTestQueueIN3cds9container14SegmentedQueueINS2_2gc2HPElNS3_15segmented_queue6traitsEEEJEEEvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEPT_ENKUlvE_clEv
@ 0x4149ff _ZNSt6thread11_State_implINS_8_InvokerISt5tupleIJZN2yb22QueuePerformanceHelper11DoTestQueueIN3cds9container14SegmentedQueueINS6_2gc2HPElNS7_15segmented_queue6traitsEEEJEEEvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEPT_EUlvE_EEEEE6_M_runEv
@ 0x7ffff6402ba3 (unknown)
@ 0x7ffff5b8e1cf start_thread
@ 0x7ffff57f7e73 __GI___clone
@ 0x0 (unknown)
This isn't an issue in BasketQueue, MoirQueue, FCQueue, OptimisticQueue, MSQueue, RWQueue, or VyukovMPMCCycleQueue.
I have a program which does some basic enqueues and dequeues, and noticed that when I run with google/TCMalloc I get the following error:
This indicates that there was a call to a sized delete with size 32 bytes (rounded up to the nearest size class I believe), when the pointer returned by allocate pointed to memory of size 1152 bytes. I think it's likely that the allocated pointer was cast to a base class somewhere, and then deleted (I've verified that doing this causes the same tcmalloc error). This is not allowed link:
I was unable to figure out if the bad cast was in the hazard pointer code or the segmented queue code, but here is a stack trace that might be helpful:
This isn't an issue in
, orVyukovMPMCCycleQueue