khloke / play-to-xbmc-chrome

A Google Chrome Extension for sending online content to be played on XBMC. Supported websites include YouTube, Vimeo, CollegeHumor, DailyMotion, eBaumsWorld and SoundCloud.
MIT License
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Play to Kodi failed on multiple systems and hardware #163

Closed liquidchild101 closed 5 years ago

liquidchild101 commented 5 years ago

go here:

Hi Everyone,

I've been using "play to kodi" for about 2 years now and never had this big of an issue before.

Today i did the usual and sent a youtube video over to my rasp pi 3 kodi 17.3 git:147cec4 complied: may 25 2017 via Ethernet ( old i know but i dont see why that makes much difference) and it didnt play. tried others and found that they were the same

Edit: I've now also tried a new install on kodi 18.2 and tried to play from the kodi youtube app. same issue. it does show links to the most popular videos and even displays the thumbnails. edit2: one thing i did find out is the live streaming does work. im guessing its something to do with the file format or something

checked and reinstalled play to kodi on: mac (high sierra) chrome and firefox windows chrome

i've tried playing dailymotion and soundcloud on all devices and had the same issue

i also have another rasp pi kodi set up in the bed room with the same issue.

whats basically happening is the video will start to load and kodi will come back saying

"one or more items failed to play. check the log for more information about this message" it also some times says "no streams found"

I've attached the log file so if anyone has had a similar problem please post.