khoadng / Boorusama

A mobile client for booru sites built with Flutter
GNU General Public License v3.0
117 stars 8 forks source link

Error downloading using bulk #331

Closed snow9874 closed 9 months ago

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

When I try to download using the bulk option I get an error message

khoadng commented 10 months ago

What is the error message? Which site are you using?

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

When I try to download from any page using the bulk option I get failed. ![Uploading Screenshot_2023-09-19-13-28-36-031_com.degenk.boorusama.jpg…]()

khoadng commented 10 months ago

Your image is broken. Can you open "Settings > Debug logs" then copy and paste or upload the logs here?

khoadng commented 10 months ago

Looks like you haven't granted the app storage permissions. Does a single download work?

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

I only get permissions for photos and videos and notifications but nothing for storage. I'm using Android 13

khoadng commented 10 months ago

Can you start a bulk download where something has failed, then open the Debug logs and send me the logs them here?

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

[2023-09-19 14:27:52.443770][Start up]: App Start up [2023-09-19 14:27:52.609090][Start up]: Initialization done in 165ms [2023-09-19 14:27:52.624296][Permission]: Fetching storage permission [2023-09-19 14:27:52.626210][Connectivity]: Network connecting... [2023-09-19 14:27:52.653357][Permission]: Storage permission status: denied [2023-09-19 14:27:52.653722][Connectivity]: Connected to wifi [2023-09-19 14:27:52.689167][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:52.692949][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:53.170503][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 481ms [2023-09-19 14:27:53.183950][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:53.317474][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 133ms [2023-09-19 14:27:53.621575][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 928ms [2023-09-19 14:27:57.735604][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:58.074085][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:58.110571][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 374ms [2023-09-19 14:27:58.269683][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 195ms [2023-09-19 14:27:58.515069][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:58.748940][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:58.867972][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 352ms [2023-09-19 14:27:59.105756][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 356ms [2023-09-19 14:27:59.135448][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:27:59.503329][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 367ms [2023-09-19 14:28:05.588705][Bulk Download Manager]: Download requested for "squigly(skullgirls)" at "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama" with permission status: PermissionStatus.denied [2023-09-19 14:28:05.590986][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:28:05.931223][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 340ms [2023-09-19 14:28:06.136647][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:28:06.293038][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 156ms

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

[2023-09-19 14:54:03.838589][Start up]: App Start up [2023-09-19 14:54:04.011484][Start up]: Initialization done in 172ms [2023-09-19 14:54:04.017848][Permission]: Fetching storage permission [2023-09-19 14:54:04.019486][Connectivity]: Network connecting... [2023-09-19 14:54:04.040423][Permission]: Storage permission status: denied [2023-09-19 14:54:04.040865][Connectivity]: Connected to wifi [2023-09-19 14:54:04.055873][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:04.062927][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:16.155603][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:16.365408][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:16.563431][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 407ms [2023-09-19 14:54:16.664046][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:16.801292][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 435ms [2023-09-19 14:54:17.066020][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 401ms [2023-09-19 14:54:17.650359][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:17.927172][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:18.125886][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 475ms [2023-09-19 14:54:18.227204][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:18.330751][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 403ms [2023-09-19 14:54:18.817320][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 590ms [2023-09-19 14:54:23.083291][Bulk Download Manager]: Download requested for "squigly(skullgirls)" at "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama" with permission status: PermissionStatus.denied [2023-09-19 14:54:25.708082][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:26.126376][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 418ms [2023-09-19 14:54:26.355215][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 14:54:27.018700][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 663ms

khoadng commented 10 months ago

Well, I don't have enough information to resolve this. I will try to push a new update that adds more debug information

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

I guess it's an Android 13 permissions thing.

khoadng commented 10 months ago

The new version is up. Can you try it again? Hopefully, there will be some errors in the logs

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

After downloading from bulk it won't let me access the settings to see the log.

khoadng commented 10 months ago

It seems like there is a bug with the toast message. Somehow, it blocks the screen. Could you try opening a post, scrolling down to view details, and then going back? Maybe it will temporarily fix the issue

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

[2023-09-19 17:51:12.319064][Start up]: App Start up [2023-09-19 17:51:12.475428][Start up]: Initialization done in 156ms [2023-09-19 17:51:12.483140][Permission]: Fetching storage permission [2023-09-19 17:51:12.486887][Connectivity]: Network connecting... [2023-09-19 17:51:12.509045][Permission]: Storage permission status: denied [2023-09-19 17:51:12.509340][Connectivity]: Connected to wifi [2023-09-19 17:51:12.539138][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:12.542317][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:17.341462][Settings]: Settings updated [2023-09-19 17:51:28.318657][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:28.376280][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 57ms [2023-09-19 17:51:28.543127][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:28.614186][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 70ms [2023-09-19 17:51:29.890904][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:29.953474][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 62ms [2023-09-19 17:51:31.125046][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:31.190030][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 64ms [2023-09-19 17:51:31.349533][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:31.402778][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 53ms [2023-09-19 17:51:31.597934][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:31.662134][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 64ms [2023-09-19 17:51:35.502802][Bulk Download Manager]: Download requested for "squigly(skullgirls)" at "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama" with permission status: PermissionStatus.denied [2023-09-19 17:51:36.934931][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:37.304440][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 369ms [2023-09-19 17:51:37.459332][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, skullheart, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by superuzit - ad760569b8caef3806b6a9d576c9a387.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.536729][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by smootharmadillo - fe6eaca9cbc2edbc81f9cf53996d6155.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.543647][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by katanagi1129 - 8cb699545f29215ba01a5031e3b86869.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.548706][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by sabi(6535841) - d55337250d7f8a2d62cdd6652a5f88c6.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.554815][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/squigly (skullgirls) drawn by mutsuki_(pixiv116518) - 141374f95d0d9cbcc42d52cb8029aa34.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.559330][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by xuejiang(simoncry) - 2cda051ee408e71e625a3bca68e65fed.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.596038][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:37.729262][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, ryu, squigly (skullgirls and 1 more) drawn by kyoro_(asdfg-hjkl) - a857807a07802aa9c939bb82d365a743.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.842478][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/filia, leviathan, samson and 1 more (skullgirls) drawn by xerxapplestix - f64891abf64566cd0360e9ab75f6d78e.mp4.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.846705][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by supacreamss - 846be890735e3cef9b2af49c7bbc861a.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.853887][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by bacun - eadae6967949c08634e6cc84bc0a7867.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.859887][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/bloodymarie, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by kuroirozuki - ed6dd0255ceb900cfa28a49f8494fd98.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.903235][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by xerxapplestix - ed6208a261aefeee3afb46790bbd83d6.mp4.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:37.921921][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 325ms [2023-09-19 17:51:37.948131][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by jimafy - 29e5134994793e73190014eef685fc27.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.032003][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by teatime(mike) - 7d4d234baa16af4135deb980968604c9.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.047500][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by sheep(ss-she-ep) - 4e57d0f7bec01e786a1de1b62596964d.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.080612][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by jimafy - a66d8b9da72067aac05fac1b9fd228db.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.101117][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by sheep(ss-she-ep) - d2faeb299d098451894e39c3db159d09.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.117980][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by sheep(ss-she-ep) - 96b53a1da9c125120b57a6d27f0bccea.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.154582][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by inarou(rakugakiproject) - b0d5f326e6dbaddd3ecc445e4650b39f.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.227958][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by inarou(rakugakiproject) - 338633c62c8c40e3337ad63be183947c.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.286300][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/squigly (skullgirls) drawn by inarou(rakugakiproject) - 0ba622897acb78a2a0ebac6484f5d65b.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.304730][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/squigly (skullgirls) drawn by inarou(rakugakiproject) - 96a3afd9b6a21d5b9dd4b0850d0a1167.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.311066][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by firemauer - a0eb69741ffbbc18172acc98de59544d.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.358788][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by firemauer - 3f9e80071418834bf4ea57895a44eed6.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.433101][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly, umbrella (skullgirls) drawn by firemauer - 3beeb7e95c005c1a695d63f986a5cf92.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.494993][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by firemauer - e9fe5f3f0468d797684221c196e5800e.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.508653][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by 770mk - ad5fc6d5b02eb02539685151afc59ff0.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.540580][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by yaise - 2f3740bd7fac604619e994b7a0cb766e.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.576588][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/siennacontiello, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by bogoro - ee2f1904366037a334621e53fe44fb43.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:38.735707][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/leviathan, squigly (skullgirls) drawn by kaamin(mariarose753) - 46ef26de95fb3f0e90bced254d943832.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:39.252147][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/big_band, cerebella, double and 11 more (indiegogo and 1 more) drawn by jonathan_kim - c7f00641d701b083f0c22614b3cd4481.jpg.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:39.647592][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/filia, leviathan, peacock and 2 more (final_fantasy and 1 more) drawn by - f1990307ee138221293da0679df52083.gif.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:40.014771][Bulk Downloader]: Download error: PathAccessException: Cannot create file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Boorusama/bloody_marie, cerebella, double and 11 more (graphig and 1 more) drawn by yazuyapon - be0a5f77cd5776bc918c2d650434ea99.png.partial' (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1) [2023-09-19 17:51:48.204424][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:52.051784][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 3847ms [2023-09-19 17:51:53.105431][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:53.117919][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:53.133896][Network]: Sending GET to [2023-09-19 17:51:53.687220][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 569ms [2023-09-19 17:51:54.626841][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 1492ms [2023-09-19 17:51:54.742101][Network]: Completed GET to with status: 200 and took 1636ms

khoadng commented 10 months ago

Finally some errors! Looks like the app is missing permission to write to that folder, can you choose another folder to see if it works? Also does a single download work?

snow9874 commented 10 months ago

The single download works and downloads to the folder you assigned to it.

khoadng commented 10 months ago

Looks like the app is missing permission to write to that folder, can you choose another folder to see if it works?

have you tried this?

snow9874 commented 10 months ago


khoadng commented 10 months ago

I will leave this open to take a look at the permission issue

khoadng commented 9 months ago

@snow9874 Fixed in 3.5.0. Can you check if it is working? You can download it from the store.

snow9874 commented 9 months ago

Now it works. I have a question, can I download videos?

khoadng commented 9 months ago

Yes you can

khoadng commented 9 months ago

Since this issue is resolved. I will go ahead and close it.