khodakhah / nodcms

NodCMS-Bundle - to download - the open-source PHP CMS based on the CodeIgniter
MIT License
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NodCms 3.x support of CodeIgniter 4.2.11 and php 8.2 #111

Open DEV-byoos opened 1 year ago

DEV-byoos commented 1 year ago

Hello dev's Home - source NodCms 3.2.2, Site powered by CodeIgniter 4.2.11 framework - php8.2 - LINUX / Debian 11.6 server

The switch to php8.2 requires some code updates... PHP8.2 and CI 4.2.11 version

`version PHP8.2 et CI 4.2.11 IN /root/nodcms-core/Config/Cache.php
// public array $file = [];

IN /root/nodcms-core/view/view.php
//added Creation of dynamic property is deprecated public $mainTemplate; public $frameTemplate; public $cleanFrame; public $page_sidebar; public $page_sidebar_closed; public $page_sidebar_items; public $page_sidebar_close; public $page_sidebar_menu_closed; public $display_title; public $display_page_title;
public $view;
public $session; public $langArray; public $controllerType; public $admin_panel_items; public $captcha_session_name; public $html_form_data; public $settings_default;

IN /root/nodcms-core/validation/Validation.php
protected function processRules(string $field, string $label = null, $value, $rules = null, ?array $data = null, string $originalField = null): bool { // clean the latest error message up $this->latestErrorMessage = null; // execute customize only if original method found an error if(!parent::processRules($field, $label, $value, $rules, $data, $originalField))

Creation of dynamic property NodCMS\Core\Libraries\Ajaxlist::$view is deprecated

protected $view;

function __construct()

IN /root/nodcms-core/View/Layout.php
//added Creation of dynamic property is deprecated public $avatar_file_key;

c'est terminé, ne pas oublier la mise à jour du ficher /root/public/index.php P.S I have not yet tested the version of NodCms 3.4.1

Thanks for the work done by the NodCMS team led by Khodakhah THAT's WORK !!! / C'est du travail ! !!`