khodakhah / nodcms

NodCMS-Bundle - to download - the open-source PHP CMS based on the CodeIgniter
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investigation version 3.0 not work! #48

Closed DEV-byoos closed 2 years ago

DEV-byoos commented 3 years ago

Hello devs, Indeed the nodCMS version 3.0 does not start and after a first investigation it remains in the root of the project a file index.php of the version 2.0 which has nothing to see in version 3.0 (to be removed) in two the .htaccess is not too much in conformity and also belongs to the version 2.0: .htaccess code of the root

redirect to public page

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^public$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge [NC] RewriteRule "^(.*)$" "/myPath/public/" [R=301,L]

disable directory browsing

For security reasons, Option all cannot be overridden.

Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -Indexes

prevent folder listing

IndexIgnore *

End of .htaccess code

don't forget to empty the browser cache in order to read the new routes, the work is not finished, I continue the investigations... especially do not forget to launch compose install in the root of the project. See you later

continuation of my investigations date 2021/08/12 little reminder, 1) delete the file root/index.php 2) replace the content of the file root/.htaccess 3) modify the line 36 of the file root/public/index.php define("CONFIG_BASE_URL", URL_PROTOCOL.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])),"",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] );

4) correct line 1 of the file root/nodcms-installer/views/database.php

<?php $this->addJsFile("assets/nodcms/js/installer-database.min"); ?>

5) modify line 55 root/nodcms-core/Filters/InstalledVerification.php return redirect()->to(base_url('General'));

I'm stuck on the default language selection cordialement Translated with (free version)