khodakhah / nodcms

NodCMS-Bundle - to download - the open-source PHP CMS based on the CodeIgniter
MIT License
71 stars 64 forks source link

69 cli database installation #95

Closed khodakhah closed 2 years ago

khodakhah commented 2 years ago

According to #69


anvari182 commented 2 years ago

Everything works fine except when you create the user admin for the first time and try to login you get this error

{main}() /home/ermia/projects/nodcms/public/index.php:0
[Mon Aug 29 18:24:56 2022] PHP   2. CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run($routes = *uninitialized*, $returnResponse = *uninitialized*) /home/ermia/projects/nodcms/public/index.php:67
[Mon Aug 29 18:24:56 2022] PHP   3. CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest($routes = NULL, $cacheConfig = class Config\Cache { public $handler = 'file'; public $backupHandler = 'dummy'; public $storePath = '/home/ermia/projects/nodcms/writable/cache/'; public $cacheQueryString = FALSE; public $prefix = ''; public $memcached = ['host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 1, 'raw' => FALSE]; public $redis = ['host' => '', 'password' => NULL, 'port' => 6379, 'timeout' => 0, 'database' => 0]; public $validHandlers = ['dummy' => 'CodeIgniter\\Cache\\Handlers\\DummyHandler', 'file' => 'CodeIgniter\\Cache\\Handlers\\FileHandler', 'memcached' => 'CodeIgniter\\Cache\\Handlers\\MemcachedHandler', 'predis' => 'CodeIgniter\\Cache\\Handlers\\PredisHandler', 'redis' => 'CodeIgniter\\Cache\\Handlers\\RedisHandler', 'wincache' => 'CodeIgniter\\Cache\\Handlers\\WincacheHandler'] }, $returnResponse = FALSE) /home/ermia/projects/nodcms/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/CodeIgniter.php:349
[Mon Aug 29 18:24:56 2022] PHP   4. CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController($class = class NodCMS\Users\Controllers\Users { public $lang = 'en'; public $langArray = []; public $controllerType = NULL; public $admin_panel_items = []; public $captcha_session_name = 'nodcms_captcha'; public $html_form_data = ['form_group' => 'inline_form_group', 'label_col' => 'col-md-2', 'input_col' => 'col-md-10']; public $settings_default = NULL; public $userdata = NULL; public $settings = ['default_image' => 'upload_file/no-images.png', 'company' => 'home', 'logo' => 'upload_file/logo/logo.png', 'logo_light' => 'upload_file/logo/logo-light.png', 'index_logo' => 'upload_file/logo/logo.png', 'home_page_title_box' => 1, 'home_page_title_bg' => '', 'home_page_title_bg_blur' => 1, 'custom_view_path_home' => '', 'fav_icon' => 'upload_file/logo/fav.png', 'site_title' => 'NodCMS is a Content Management System based on Codeigniter', 'site_author' => 'Mojtaba Khodakhah', 'site_description' => '', 'site_keyword' => '', 'timezone' => 'Africa/Accra', 'date_format' => 'd.m.Y', 'time_format' => 'H:i', 'currency_format' => '1,234.56', 'currency_code' => 'EUR', 'currency_sign' => '€', 'currency_sign_before' => '1', 'invoice_tax_number' => '', 'invoice_vat_type' => 0, 'protect_paid_invoices' => 1, 'invoice_vat' => 0, 'invoice_discount' => 0, 'invoice_account_holder' => '', 'invoice_iban' => '', 'invoice_bic' => '', 'invoice_prepaid_fix' => '', 'invoice_description_fix' => '', 'invoice_rules_fix' => '', 'appointment_non_repeating' => '0', 'simple_mode' => '1', 'registration' => '1', 'prefooter' => '1', 'prefooter_title' => '', 'prefooter_description' => '', 'provider_style' => 'imagic', 'use_smtp' => '0', 'smtp_host' => '', 'smtp_port' => '0', 'smtp_username' => '', 'smtp_password' => '', 'send_email' => '', 'google_map_url' => '', 'google_map' => '', 'address' => 'Vienna', 'email' => '', 'phone' => '+43 0123 1234567', 'fax' => '+43 0123 1234567', 'contact_form' => 1, 'add_on_header' => '', 'add_on_script' => '', 'dynamic_timezone' => 0, 'captcha' => 0, 'terms_accept_required' => 0, 'terms_and_conditions_title' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'terms_and_conditions_content' => 'At the moment there is no content for this page.', 'privacy_policy_title' => 'Privacy Policy', 'privacy_policy_content' => 'At the moment there is no content for this page.', 'homepage_type' => 'default', 'homepage_redirect' => '', 'homepage_display_file' => '', 'homepage_display_page' => '', 'reset_password_tries_limit' => 5, 'datepicker_date_format' => '', 'blog_comments_private' => 0, 'blog_private_preview' => 0, 'blog_page_title' => 'Blog', 'blog_page_description' => '', 'blog_page_keywords' => '', 'gallery_page_title' => 'Gallery', 'gallery_page_title_bg' => '', 'gallery_page_descriptions' => '', 'gallery_page_keywords' => '', 'pricing_table_page_title' => 'Prices', 'pricing_table_page_description' => '', 'pricing_table_page_keywords' => '', 'services_display_mode' => 'image', 'services_display_price' => 0, 'services_page' => 0, 'services_page_title' => 'Services', 'firstname' => 'Ermia', 'lastname' => 'Anvari', 'sent_email' => '']; public $language = ['language_id' => '1', 'language_name' => 'english', 'language_title' => 'English', 'code' => 'en', 'public' => '1', 'rtl' => '0', 'sort_order' => '1', 'created_date' => '1661113383', 'default' => '1', 'image' => 'upload_file/lang/en.png']; public $mainTemplate = NULL; public $frameTemplate = NULL; public $cleanFrame = NULL; public $data = ['lang_url' => 'http://localhost:8000en/login', 'socialMediaLinks' => [...], 'top_menu' => [...], 'footer_menu' => [...], 'title' => 'Sign in']; public $page_sidebar = 'frontend_sidebar'; public $page_sidebar_closed = FALSE; public $page_sidebar_items = []; public $page_sidebar_close = FALSE; public $page_sidebar_menu_closed = FALSE; public $display_title = TRUE; public $display_page_title = FALSE; protected $router = class CodeIgniter\Router\Router { protected $collection = class CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollection { ... }; protected $directory = NULL; protected $controller = '\\NodCMS\\Users\\Controllers\\Users'; protected $method = 'login'; protected $params = [...]; protected $indexPage = 'index.php'; protected $translateURIDashes = FALSE; protected $matchedRoute = [...]; protected $matchedRouteOptions = [...]; protected $detectedLocale = 'en'; protected $filterInfo = NULL; protected $filtersInfo = [...]; protected ?CodeIgniter\Router\AutoRouterInterface $autoRouter = class CodeIgniter\Router\AutoRouter { ... } }; public $view = class NodCMS\Core\View\Layout { private $_common_view = NULL; public $settings = NULL; public $language = NULL; public $lang = NULL; protected $viewPrefix = 'NodCMS\\Users'; public $request = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest { ... }; public $css_files = [...]; public $header_js_files = [...]; public $footer_js_files = [...]; protected $data = [...]; protected $tempData = NULL; protected $viewPath = '/'; protected $renderVars = [...]; protected $loader = class CodeIgniter\Autoloader\FileLocator { ... }; protected $logger = class CodeIgniter\Log\Logger { ... }; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $performanceData = [...]; protected $config = class NodCMS\Users\Config\View { ... }; protected $saveData = TRUE; protected $viewsCount = 0; protected $layout = NULL; protected $sections = [...]; protected $currentSection = NULL; protected $sectionStack = [...] }; public $session = class CodeIgniter\Session\Session { protected $driver = class CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\FileHandler { ... }; protected $sessionDriverName = 'CodeIgniter\\Session\\Handlers\\FileHandler'; protected $sessionCookieName = 'sc'; protected $sessionExpiration = 7200; protected $sessionSavePath = '/home/ermia/projects/nodcms/writable/session'; protected $sessionMatchIP = FALSE; protected $sessionTimeToUpdate = 300; protected $sessionRegenerateDestroy = FALSE; protected $cookie = class CodeIgniter\Cookie\Cookie { ... }; protected $cookieDomain = ''; protected $cookiePath = '/'; protected $cookieSecure = FALSE; protected $cookieSameSite = 'lax'; protected $sidRegexp = '[0-9a-v]{32}'; protected $logger = class CodeIgniter\Log\Logger { ... } }; public $request = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest { protected $enableCSRF = FALSE; public $uri = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI { ... }; protected $path = 'en/login'; protected $files = NULL; protected $negotiator = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\Negotiate { ... }; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; protected $locale = 'en'; protected $validLocales = [...]; public $config = class Config\App { ... }; protected $oldInput = [...]; protected $userAgent = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\UserAgent { ... }; protected $proxyIPs = ''; protected $method = 'POST'; protected $protocolVersion = '1.1'; protected $validProtocolVersions = [...]; protected $body = 'username=admin&password=cc2627182'; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerMap = [...]; protected $ipAddress = ''; protected $globals = [...] }; protected $config = class Config\Settings { public $production_copyright = TRUE; public $clean_template_frame = 'nodcms-clean'; public $max_upload_size = 20000; public $general_models = [...]; public $backend_models = [...]; public $backend_helpers = [...]; public $frontend_models = [...]; public $frontend_helpers = [...]; public $membership_models = [...]; public $membership_helpers = [...]; public $api_models = [...]; public $api_helpers = [...]; public $autoEmailMessages = [...]; public $settings_default = [...] }; protected $model = class Config\Models {  }; protected $helpers = []; protected $response = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\Response { protected $reason = 'OK'; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $pretend = FALSE; protected $protocolVersion = '1.1'; protected $validProtocolVersions = [...]; protected $body = NULL; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerMap = [...]; protected $CSPEnabled = FALSE; public $CSP = class CodeIgniter\HTTP\ContentSecurityPolicy { ... }; protected $cookieStore = class CodeIgniter\Cookie\CookieStore { ... }; protected $cookiePrefix = 'nodcms_'; protected $cookieDomain = ''; protected $cookiePath = '/'; protected $cookieSecure = FALSE; protected $cookieHTTPOnly = FALSE; protected $cookieSameSite = 'lax'; protected $cookies = [...]; protected $bodyFormat = 'html' }; protected $logger = class CodeIgniter\Log\Logger { protected $logLevels = [...]; protected $loggableLevels = [...]; protected $filePermissions = 420; protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; protected $fileExt = NULL; protected $handlers = [...]; protected $handlerConfig = [...]; public $logCache = [...]; protected $cacheLogs = TRUE }; protected $forceHTTPS = 0; protected $validator = NULL }) /home/ermia/projects/nodcms/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/CodeIgniter.php:466
khodakhah commented 2 years ago

The problem with the first login is not reproducible for me. Let's just let it go because it's not so important and does not block any process. It will come up in the future if there is some serious issue.