khodedawsh / marzneshin

A fork of Marzban aiming for scalability
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] xray config is sometimes empty and only shows [] #328

Closed khodedawsh closed 2 weeks ago

khodedawsh commented 4 weeks ago

when loading xray config for the first time (often on a remote server) the config is empty and only contains []

Krr0ptioN commented 4 weeks ago

Is it temporary or stay the same when you refresh the page? Does closing the settings window and reopening it again, resolve the glitch?

Few other things must be clarified; in the network tab of the browser devtools, does the API response contain the config file?

khodedawsh commented 4 weeks ago

it gets fixed after reopening the sheet. no need to even refresh the page.

Krr0ptioN commented 4 weeks ago

I'll delegate this to 7 iteration.

Krr0ptioN commented 3 weeks ago

I was unable to reproduce this issue.