khoih-prog / ESPAsync_WiFiManager

This is an ESP32 (including ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3) / ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager, using ESPAsyncWebServer, with fallback web configuration portal. Use this library for configuring ESP32, ESP8266 modules' WiFi, etc. Credentials at runtime. You can also specify static DNS servers, personalized HostName, fixed or random AP WiFi channel. With examples supporting ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ as well as 5.13.5- . Using AsyncDNSServer instead of DNSServer now.
MIT License
290 stars 73 forks source link

Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled. #107

Closed qballza closed 2 years ago

qballza commented 2 years ago
Starting Async_ConfigOnDoubleReset using SPIFFS on TTGO LoRa32-OLED V1
ESPAsync_WiFiManager v1.12.2
ESP_DoubleResetDetector v1.3.1
ESP Self-Stored: SSID = , Pass = 
[WM] LoadWiFiCfgFile 
[WM] stationIP = , gatewayIP =
[WM] netMask =
[WM] dns1IP = , dns2IP =
Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal
SPIFFS Flag read = 0xD0D01234
Saving config file...
Saving config file OK
Open Config Portal without Timeout: Double Reset Detected
Starting configuration portal @, SSID = ESP_F0BD9E7C, PWD = MyESP_F0BD9E7C
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x4013654e  PS      : 0x00060530  A0      : 0x8012edaa  A1      : 0x3ffb5170  
A2      : 0x3ffd53d0  A3      : 0x00450008  A4      : 0x0000004e  A5      : 0x00000000  
A6      : 0x3ffb4630  A7      : 0x00000000  A8      : 0x00741ef6  A9      : 0x00743067  
A10     : 0x00001000  A11     : 0x00000351  A12     : 0x00742d16  A13     : 0x00000b38  
A14     : 0x00060520  A15     : 0x00000000  SAR     : 0x00000019  EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c  
EXCVADDR: 0x00450018  LBEG    : 0x4000c2e0  LEND    : 0x4000c2f6  LCOUNT  : 0xffffffff  

ELF file SHA256: 0000000000000000

Backtrace: 0x4013654e:0x3ffb5170 0x4012eda7:0x3ffb51a0 0x400d680e:0x3ffb51c0 0x4012b7b0:0x3ffb51e0 0x400899f6:0x3ffb5210


  For ESP8266 / ESP32 boards

  ESPAsync_WiFiManager is a library for the ESP8266/Arduino platform, using (ESP)AsyncWebServer to enable easy
  configuration and reconfiguration of WiFi credentials using a Captive Portal.

  Modified from
  1. Tzapu               (
  2. Ken Taylor          (
  3. Alan Steremberg     (
  4. Khoi Hoang          (

  Built by Khoi Hoang
  Licensed under MIT license
   This example will open a configuration portal when the reset button is pressed twice.
   This method works well on Wemos boards which have a single reset button on board. It avoids using a pin for launching the configuration portal.

   How It Works
   1) ESP8266
   Save data in RTC memory
   2) ESP32
   Save data in EEPROM from address 256, size 512 bytes (both configurable)

   So when the device starts up it checks this region of ram for a flag to see if it has been recently reset.
   If so it launches a configuration portal, if not it sets the reset flag. After running for a while this flag is cleared so that
   it will only launch the configuration portal in response to closely spaced resets.

   There are two values to be set in the sketch.

   DRD_TIMEOUT - Number of seconds to wait for the second reset. Set to 10 in the example.
   DRD_ADDRESS - The address in ESP8266 RTC RAM to store the flag. This memory must not be used for other purposes in the same sketch. Set to 0 in the example.

   This example, originally relied on the Double Reset Detector library from
   To support ESP32, use ESP_DoubleResetDetector library from //

#if !( defined(ESP8266) ||  defined(ESP32) )
  #error This code is intended to run on the ESP8266 or ESP32 platform! Please check your Tools->Board setting.

#define ESP_ASYNC_WIFIMANAGER_VERSION_MIN_TARGET      "ESPAsync_WiFiManager v1.12.2"
#define ESP_ASYNC_WIFIMANAGER_VERSION_MIN             1012002

// Use from 0 to 4. Higher number, more debugging messages and memory usage.

#include <FS.h>

//Ported to ESP32
#ifdef ESP32
  #include <esp_wifi.h>
  #include <WiFi.h>
  #include <WiFiClient.h>

  // From v1.1.1
  #include <WiFiMulti.h>
  WiFiMulti wifiMulti;

  // LittleFS has higher priority than SPIFFS
    #define USE_LITTLEFS    true
    #define USE_SPIFFS      false
  #elif defined(ESP32)
    // For core v1.0.6-, ESP32-C3 only supporting SPIFFS and EEPROM. To use v2.0.0+ for LittleFS
    #define USE_LITTLEFS          false
    #define USE_SPIFFS            true

    // Use LittleFS
    #include "FS.h"

    // Check cores/esp32/esp_arduino_version.h and cores/esp32/core_version.h
        #warning Using ESP32 Core 1.0.6 or 2.0.0+

      // The library has been merged into esp32 core from release 1.0.6
      #include <LittleFS.h>       //

      FS* filesystem =      &LittleFS;
      #define FileFS        LittleFS
      #define FS_Name       "LittleFS"
        #warning Using ESP32 Core 1.0.5-. You must install LITTLEFS library

      // The library has been merged into esp32 core from release 1.0.6
      #include <LITTLEFS.h>       //

      FS* filesystem =      &LITTLEFS;
      #define FileFS        LITTLEFS
      #define FS_Name       "LittleFS"

  #elif USE_SPIFFS
    #include <SPIFFS.h>
    FS* filesystem =      &SPIFFS;
    #define FileFS        SPIFFS
    #define FS_Name       "SPIFFS"
    // +Use FFat
    #include <FFat.h>
    FS* filesystem =      &FFat;
    #define FileFS        FFat
    #define FS_Name       "FFat"

  #define ESP_getChipId()   ((uint32_t)ESP.getEfuseMac())

  #define LED_BUILTIN       2
  #define LED_ON            HIGH
  #define LED_OFF           LOW


  #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>          //
  //needed for library
  #include <DNSServer.h>

  // From v1.1.1
  #include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>
  ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti;

  #define USE_LITTLEFS      true

    #include <LittleFS.h>
    FS* filesystem =      &LittleFS;
    #define FileFS        LittleFS
    #define FS_Name       "LittleFS"
    FS* filesystem =      &SPIFFS;
    #define FileFS        SPIFFS
    #define FS_Name       "SPIFFS"

  #define ESP_getChipId()   (ESP.getChipId())

  #define LED_ON      LOW
  #define LED_OFF     HIGH

// These defines must be put before #include <ESP_DoubleResetDetector.h>
// to select where to store DoubleResetDetector's variable.
// For ESP32, You must select one to be true (EEPROM or SPIFFS)
// For ESP8266, You must select one to be true (RTC, EEPROM, SPIFFS or LITTLEFS)
// Otherwise, library will use default EEPROM storage
#ifdef ESP32

  // These defines must be put before #include <ESP_DoubleResetDetector.h>
  // to select where to store DoubleResetDetector's variable.
  // For ESP32, You must select one to be true (EEPROM or SPIFFS)
  // Otherwise, library will use default EEPROM storage
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_LITTLEFS    true
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_SPIFFS      false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_EEPROM      false
  #elif USE_SPIFFS
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_LITTLEFS    false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_SPIFFS      true
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_EEPROM      false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_LITTLEFS    false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_SPIFFS      false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_EEPROM      true

#else //ESP8266

  // For DRD
  // These defines must be put before #include <ESP_DoubleResetDetector.h>
  // to select where to store DoubleResetDetector's variable.
  // For ESP8266, You must select one to be true (RTC, EEPROM, SPIFFS or LITTLEFS)
  // Otherwise, library will use default EEPROM storage
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_LITTLEFS    true
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_SPIFFS      false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_LITTLEFS    false
    #define ESP_DRD_USE_SPIFFS      true

  #define ESP_DRD_USE_EEPROM      false
  #define ESP8266_DRD_USE_RTC     false

#define DOUBLERESETDETECTOR_DEBUG       true  //false

#include <ESP_DoubleResetDetector.h>      //

// Number of seconds after reset during which a
// subseqent reset will be considered a double reset.
#define DRD_TIMEOUT 10

// RTC Memory Address for the DoubleResetDetector to use
#define DRD_ADDRESS 0

//DoubleResetDetector drd(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS);
DoubleResetDetector* drd;//////

// Onboard LED I/O pin on NodeMCU board
const int PIN_LED = 2; // D4 on NodeMCU and WeMos. GPIO2/ADC12 of ESP32. Controls the onboard LED.

// SSID and PW for Config Portal
String ssid = "ESP_" + String(ESP_getChipId(), HEX);
String password = "greeniot";
//const char* password = "your_password";

// SSID and PW for your Router
String Router_SSID;
String Router_Pass;

// From v1.1.1
// You only need to format the filesystem once
//#define FORMAT_FILESYSTEM       true
#define FORMAT_FILESYSTEM         false


#define SSID_MAX_LEN            32
//From v1.0.10, WPA2 passwords can be up to 63 characters long.
#define PASS_MAX_LEN            64

typedef struct
  char wifi_ssid[SSID_MAX_LEN];
  char wifi_pw  [PASS_MAX_LEN];
}  WiFi_Credentials;

typedef struct
  String wifi_ssid;
  String wifi_pw;
}  WiFi_Credentials_String;


// Assuming max 49 chars
#define TZNAME_MAX_LEN            50
#define TIMEZONE_MAX_LEN          50

typedef struct
  WiFi_Credentials  WiFi_Creds [NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS];
  char TZ_Name[TZNAME_MAX_LEN];     // "America/Toronto"
  char TZ[TIMEZONE_MAX_LEN];        // "EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0"
  uint16_t checksum;
} WM_Config;

WM_Config         WM_config;

#define  CONFIG_FILENAME              F("/wifi_cred.dat")

// Indicates whether ESP has WiFi credentials saved from previous session, or double reset detected
bool initialConfig = false;

// Use false if you don't like to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal
// Comment out or use true to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal
// Must be placed before #include <ESPAsync_WiFiManager.h>
#define USE_AVAILABLE_PAGES     true  //false

// From v1.0.10 to permit disable/enable StaticIP configuration in Config Portal from sketch. Valid only if DHCP is used.
// You'll loose the feature of dynamically changing from DHCP to static IP, or vice versa
// You have to explicitly specify false to disable the feature.
//#define USE_STATIC_IP_CONFIG_IN_CP          false

// Use false to disable NTP config. Advisable when using Cellphone, Tablet to access Config Portal.
// See Issue 23: On Android phone ConfigPortal is unresponsive (
#define USE_ESP_WIFIMANAGER_NTP     false

// Just use enough to save memory. On ESP8266, can cause blank ConfigPortal screen
// if using too much memory
#define USING_AFRICA        true
#define USING_AMERICA       false
#define USING_ANTARCTICA    false
#define USING_ASIA          false
#define USING_ATLANTIC      false
#define USING_AUSTRALIA     false
#define USING_EUROPE        false
#define USING_INDIAN        false
#define USING_PACIFIC       false
#define USING_ETC_GMT       false

// Use true to enable CloudFlare NTP service. System can hang if you don't have Internet access while accessing CloudFlare
// See Issue #21: CloudFlare link in the default portal (
#define USE_CLOUDFLARE_NTP          false

// New in v1.0.11
#define USING_CORS_FEATURE          true


// Use USE_DHCP_IP == true for dynamic DHCP IP, false to use static IP which you have to change accordingly to your network
  // Force DHCP to be true
  #if defined(USE_DHCP_IP)
    #undef USE_DHCP_IP
  #define USE_DHCP_IP     true
  // You can select DHCP or Static IP here
  #define USE_DHCP_IP     true
  //#define USE_DHCP_IP     false

#if ( USE_DHCP_IP )
  // Use DHCP

    #warning Using DHCP IP

  IPAddress stationIP   = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
  IPAddress gatewayIP   = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 1);
  IPAddress netMask     = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);

  // Use static IP

    #warning Using static IP

  #ifdef ESP32
    IPAddress stationIP   = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 232);
    IPAddress stationIP   = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 186);

  IPAddress gatewayIP   = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 1);
  IPAddress netMask     = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);


#define USE_CONFIGURABLE_DNS      true

IPAddress dns1IP      = gatewayIP;
IPAddress dns2IP      = IPAddress(8, 8, 8, 8);

#define USE_CUSTOM_AP_IP          false

IPAddress APStaticIP  = IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1);
IPAddress APStaticGW  = IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1);
IPAddress APStaticSN  = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);

#include <ESPAsync_WiFiManager.h>               //

// Redundant, for v1.10.0 only
//#include <ESPAsync_WiFiManager-Impl.h>          //

#define HTTP_PORT     80

// New in v1.4.0
   // Defined in ESPAsync_WiFiManager.h
  typedef struct
    IPAddress _ap_static_ip;
    IPAddress _ap_static_gw;
    IPAddress _ap_static_sn;
  }  WiFi_AP_IPConfig;

  typedef struct
    IPAddress _sta_static_ip;
    IPAddress _sta_static_gw;
    IPAddress _sta_static_sn;
    IPAddress _sta_static_dns1;
    IPAddress _sta_static_dns2;
  }  WiFi_STA_IPConfig;

WiFi_AP_IPConfig  WM_AP_IPconfig;
WiFi_STA_IPConfig WM_STA_IPconfig;

void initAPIPConfigStruct(WiFi_AP_IPConfig &in_WM_AP_IPconfig)
  in_WM_AP_IPconfig._ap_static_ip   = APStaticIP;
  in_WM_AP_IPconfig._ap_static_gw   = APStaticGW;
  in_WM_AP_IPconfig._ap_static_sn   = APStaticSN;

void initSTAIPConfigStruct(WiFi_STA_IPConfig &in_WM_STA_IPconfig)
  in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_ip   = stationIP;
  in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_gw   = gatewayIP;
  in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_sn   = netMask;
  in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_dns1 = dns1IP;
  in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_dns2 = dns2IP;

void displayIPConfigStruct(WiFi_STA_IPConfig in_WM_STA_IPconfig)
  LOGERROR3(F("stationIP ="), in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_ip, ", gatewayIP =", in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_gw);
  LOGERROR1(F("netMask ="), in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_sn);
  LOGERROR3(F("dns1IP ="), in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_dns1, ", dns2IP =", in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_dns2);

void configWiFi(WiFi_STA_IPConfig in_WM_STA_IPconfig)
  // Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, DNS1 and DNS2. New in v1.0.5
  WiFi.config(in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_ip, in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_gw, in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_sn, in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_dns1, in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_dns2);
  // Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, Use auto DNS1 and DNS2.
  WiFi.config(in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_ip, in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_gw, in_WM_STA_IPconfig._sta_static_sn);


uint8_t connectMultiWiFi()
#if ESP32
  // For ESP32, this better be 0 to shorten the connect time.
  // For ESP32-S2/C3, must be > 500
  #if ( USING_ESP32_S2 || USING_ESP32_C3 )
    #define WIFI_MULTI_1ST_CONNECT_WAITING_MS           500L
    // For ESP32 core v1.0.6, must be >= 500
    #define WIFI_MULTI_1ST_CONNECT_WAITING_MS           800L
  // For ESP8266, this better be 2200 to enable connect the 1st time
  #define WIFI_MULTI_1ST_CONNECT_WAITING_MS             2200L

#define WIFI_MULTI_CONNECT_WAITING_MS                   500L

  uint8_t status;


  LOGERROR(F("ConnectMultiWiFi with :"));

  if ( (Router_SSID != "") && (Router_Pass != "") )
    LOGERROR3(F("* Flash-stored Router_SSID = "), Router_SSID, F(", Router_Pass = "), Router_Pass );
    LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), Router_SSID, F(", PW = "), Router_Pass );
    wifiMulti.addAP(Router_SSID.c_str(), Router_Pass.c_str());

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
    // Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
    if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
      LOGERROR3(F("* Additional SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );

  LOGERROR(F("Connecting MultiWifi..."));


  // New in v1.4.0

  int i = 0;

  status =;

  while ( ( i++ < 20 ) && ( status != WL_CONNECTED ) )
    status = WiFi.status();

    if ( status == WL_CONNECTED )

  if ( status == WL_CONNECTED )
    LOGERROR1(F("WiFi connected after time: "), i);
    LOGERROR3(F("SSID:"), WiFi.SSID(), F(",RSSI="), WiFi.RSSI());
    LOGERROR3(F("Channel:"),, F(",IP address:"), WiFi.localIP() );
    LOGERROR(F("WiFi not connected"));

    // To avoid unnecessary DRD

#if ESP8266      

  return status;


void printLocalTime()
#if ESP8266
  static time_t now;

  now = time(nullptr);

  if ( now > 1451602800 )
    Serial.print("Local Date/Time: ");
  struct tm timeinfo;

  getLocalTime( &timeinfo );

  // Valid only if year > 2000. 
  // You can get from timeinfo : tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec
  if (timeinfo.tm_year > 100 )
    Serial.print("Local Date/Time: ");
    Serial.print( asctime( &timeinfo ) );


void heartBeatPrint()
  static int num = 1;

  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
    Serial.print(F("H"));        // H means connected to WiFi
    Serial.print(F("F"));        // F means not connected to WiFi

  if (num == 80)
    num = 1;
  else if (num++ % 10 == 0)
    Serial.print(F(" "));

void check_WiFi()
  if ( (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) )
    Serial.println(F("\nWiFi lost. Call connectMultiWiFi in loop"));

void check_status()
  static ulong checkstatus_timeout  = 0;
  static ulong checkwifi_timeout    = 0;

  static ulong current_millis;


  #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL    60000L
  #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL    10000L

  current_millis = millis();

  // Check WiFi every WIFICHECK_INTERVAL (1) seconds.
  if ((current_millis > checkwifi_timeout) || (checkwifi_timeout == 0))
    checkwifi_timeout = current_millis + WIFICHECK_INTERVAL;

  // Print hearbeat every HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL (10) seconds.
  if ((current_millis > checkstatus_timeout) || (checkstatus_timeout == 0))
    checkstatus_timeout = current_millis + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL;

int calcChecksum(uint8_t* address, uint16_t sizeToCalc)
  uint16_t checkSum = 0;

  for (uint16_t index = 0; index < sizeToCalc; index++)
    checkSum += * ( ( (byte*) address ) + index);

  return checkSum;

bool loadConfigData()
  File file =, "r");
  LOGERROR(F("LoadWiFiCfgFile "));

  memset((void *) &WM_config,       0, sizeof(WM_config));

  // New in v1.4.0
  memset((void *) &WM_STA_IPconfig, 0, sizeof(WM_STA_IPconfig));

  if (file)
    file.readBytes((char *) &WM_config,   sizeof(WM_config));

    // New in v1.4.0
    file.readBytes((char *) &WM_STA_IPconfig, sizeof(WM_STA_IPconfig));


    if ( WM_config.checksum != calcChecksum( (uint8_t*) &WM_config, sizeof(WM_config) - sizeof(WM_config.checksum) ) )
      LOGERROR(F("WM_config checksum wrong"));

      return false;

    // New in v1.4.0

    return true;

    return false;

void saveConfigData()
  File file =, "w");
  LOGERROR(F("SaveWiFiCfgFile "));

  if (file)
    WM_config.checksum = calcChecksum( (uint8_t*) &WM_config, sizeof(WM_config) - sizeof(WM_config.checksum) );

    file.write((uint8_t*) &WM_config, sizeof(WM_config));


    // New in v1.4.0
    file.write((uint8_t*) &WM_STA_IPconfig, sizeof(WM_STA_IPconfig));


void setup()
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  // initialize the LED digital pin as an output.
  pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT);

  while (!Serial);


  Serial.print(F("\nStarting Async_ConfigOnDoubleReset using ")); Serial.print(FS_Name);
  Serial.print(F(" on ")); Serial.println(ARDUINO_BOARD);

    Serial.print("Warning. Must use this example on Version later than : ");



  // Format FileFS if not yet
#ifdef ESP32
  if (!FileFS.begin(true))
  if (!FileFS.begin())
#ifdef ESP8266

    Serial.println(F("SPIFFS/LittleFS failed! Already tried formatting."));

    if (!FileFS.begin())
      // prevents debug info from the library to hide err message.

      Serial.println(F("LittleFS failed!. Please use SPIFFS or EEPROM. Stay forever"));
      Serial.println(F("SPIFFS failed!. Please use LittleFS or EEPROM. Stay forever"));

      while (true)

  drd = new DoubleResetDetector(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS);

  unsigned long startedAt = millis();

  // New in v1.4.0

  //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
  // Use this to default DHCP hostname to ESP8266-XXXXXX or ESP32-XXXXXX
  //ESPAsync_WiFiManager ESPAsync_wifiManager(&webServer, &dnsServer);
  // Use this to personalize DHCP hostname (RFC952 conformed)
  AsyncWebServer webServer(HTTP_PORT);

#if ( USING_ESP32_S2 || USING_ESP32_C3 )
  ESPAsync_WiFiManager ESPAsync_wifiManager(&webServer, NULL, "AsyncConfigOnDoubleReset");
  DNSServer dnsServer;

  ESPAsync_WiFiManager ESPAsync_wifiManager(&webServer, &dnsServer, "AsyncConfigOnDoubleReset");

  //set custom ip for portal
  // New in v1.4.0


  // From v1.0.10 only
  // Set config portal channel, default = 1. Use 0 => random channel from 1-11

  // Set (static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, DNS1 and DNS2) or (IP, Gateway, Subnetmask). New in v1.0.5
  // New in v1.4.0

  // New from v1.1.1
  ESPAsync_wifiManager.setCORSHeader("Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin");

  // We can't use WiFi.SSID() in ESP32 as it's only valid after connected.
  // SSID and Password stored in ESP32 wifi_ap_record_t and wifi_config_t are also cleared in reboot
  // Have to create a new function to store in EEPROM/SPIFFS for this purpose
  Router_SSID = ESPAsync_wifiManager.WiFi_SSID();
  Router_Pass = ESPAsync_wifiManager.WiFi_Pass();

  //Remove this line if you do not want to see WiFi password printed
  Serial.println("ESP Self-Stored: SSID = " + Router_SSID + ", Pass = " + Router_Pass);

  // SSID to uppercase
  password   = "My" + ssid;

  bool configDataLoaded = false;

  // From v1.1.0, Don't permit NULL password
  if ( (Router_SSID != "") && (Router_Pass != "") )
    LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), Router_SSID, F(", PW = "), Router_Pass);
    wifiMulti.addAP(Router_SSID.c_str(), Router_Pass.c_str());

    ESPAsync_wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); //If no access point name has been previously entered disable timeout.
    Serial.println(F("Got ESP Self-Stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal"));

  if (loadConfigData())
    configDataLoaded = true;

    ESPAsync_wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); //If no access point name has been previously entered disable timeout.
    Serial.println(F("Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal"));

    if ( strlen(WM_config.TZ_Name) > 0 )
      LOGERROR3(F("Current TZ_Name ="), WM_config.TZ_Name, F(", TZ = "), WM_config.TZ);

  #if ESP8266
      configTime(WM_config.TZ, ""); 
      //configTzTime(WM_config.TZ, "" );
      configTzTime(WM_config.TZ, "", "", "");
      Serial.println(F("Current Timezone is not set. Enter Config Portal to set."));
    // Enter CP only if no stored SSID on flash and file
    Serial.println(F("Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials."));
    initialConfig = true;

  if (drd->detectDoubleReset())
    // DRD, disable timeout.

    Serial.println(F("Open Config Portal without Timeout: Double Reset Detected"));
    initialConfig = true;

  if (initialConfig)
    Serial.print(F("Starting configuration portal @ "));


    Serial.print(F(", SSID = "));
    Serial.print(F(", PWD = "));

    digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_ON); // turn the LED on by making the voltage LOW to tell us we are in configuration mode.

    //sets timeout in seconds until configuration portal gets turned off.
    //If not specified device will remain in configuration mode until
    //switched off via webserver or device is restarted.

    // Starts an access point
    if (!ESPAsync_wifiManager.startConfigPortal((const char *) ssid.c_str(), password.c_str()))
      Serial.println(F("Not connected to WiFi but continuing anyway."));
      Serial.println(F("WiFi connected...yeey :)"));

    // Stored  for later usage, from v1.1.0, but clear first
    memset(&WM_config, 0, sizeof(WM_config));

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
      String tempSSID = ESPAsync_wifiManager.getSSID(i);
      String tempPW   = ESPAsync_wifiManager.getPW(i);

      if (strlen(tempSSID.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1)
        strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str());
        strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1);

      if (strlen(tempPW.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1)
        strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str());
        strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1);

      // Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
      if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
        LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );
        wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw);

    String tempTZ   = ESPAsync_wifiManager.getTimezoneName();

    if (strlen(tempTZ.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.TZ_Name) - 1)
      strcpy(WM_config.TZ_Name, tempTZ.c_str());
      strncpy(WM_config.TZ_Name, tempTZ.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.TZ_Name) - 1);

    const char * TZ_Result = ESPAsync_wifiManager.getTZ(WM_config.TZ_Name);

    if (strlen(TZ_Result) < sizeof(WM_config.TZ) - 1)
      strcpy(WM_config.TZ, TZ_Result);
      strncpy(WM_config.TZ, TZ_Result, sizeof(WM_config.TZ_Name) - 1);

    if ( strlen(WM_config.TZ_Name) > 0 )
      LOGERROR3(F("Saving current TZ_Name ="), WM_config.TZ_Name, F(", TZ = "), WM_config.TZ);

#if ESP8266
      configTime(WM_config.TZ, ""); 
      //configTzTime(WM_config.TZ, "" );
      configTzTime(WM_config.TZ, "", "", "");
      LOGERROR(F("Current Timezone Name is not set. Enter Config Portal to set."));

    // New in v1.4.0


  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_OFF); // Turn led off as we are not in configuration mode.

  startedAt = millis();

  if (!initialConfig)
    // Load stored data, the addAP ready for MultiWiFi reconnection
    if (!configDataLoaded)

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
      // Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
      if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
        LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );
        wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw);

    if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED )
      Serial.println(F("ConnectMultiWiFi in setup"));


  Serial.print(F("After waiting "));
  Serial.print((float) (millis() - startedAt) / 1000);
  Serial.print(F(" secs more in setup(), connection result is "));

  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
    Serial.print(F("connected. Local IP: "));

void loop()
  // Call the double reset detector loop method every so often,
  // so that it can recognise when the timeout expires.
  // You can also call drd.stop() when you wish to no longer
  // consider the next reset as a double reset.

  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly
khoih-prog commented 2 years ago

Either your board is bad (hardware, firmware, etc.) or not supported.

Try to update to ESP32 core v2.0.4 first

Also use normal ESP32_DEV, instead of TTGO LoRa32-OLED V1 and see.

Many people don't have issue like this. I'm closing now as invalid.