khoih-prog / EthernetWebServer_SSL

Simple TLS/SSL Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for for AVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client. The library supports HTTP/HTTPS GET and POST requests, provides argument parsing, handles one client at a time. It supports Arduino boards (SAM DUE, Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3, SAMD21, SAMD51, ESP8266, ESP32, Adafruit nRF52, Teensy boards) using Wiznet W5x00 or ENC28J60 network shields. Ethernet_Generic library is used as default for W5x00 with custom SPI
GNU General Public License v3.0
46 stars 10 forks source link

SSLClientParameters mTLS not at beginning but at runtime #31

Closed simogaspa84 closed 1 year ago

simogaspa84 commented 1 year ago

Hi @khoih-prog ..

I hope you are fine and well. I have already tried your lib and it is working well but i have the need to call this istruction..

SSLClientParameters mTLS = SSLClientParameters::fromPEM(my_cert, sizeof my_cert, my_key, sizeof my_key);

not at the beginning of the module but at runtime inside another function.

I explain you why i need to do this it is because i want to read from a txt file the certificates and keys for the connection instead of change the code manually for every device that is deployed.

But when i try to do this

uint8_t setup_ethernet(void)
  uint8_t result_connection = 0;

  /*retrieve security info for aws from memory*/

  SSLClientParameters mTLS = SSLClientParameters::fromPEM(my_cert, sizeof my_cert, my_key, sizeof my_key);

  /*authentication on aws*/

  Ethernet.init(ETH_CS, &ethernetSPI, ETH_SCLK, ETH_MISO, ETH_MOSI);
  while (!Serial)
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
  Ethernet.begin(mac, TIME_OUT_WAITING_ETH_CABLE);
  // Check for Ethernet hardware present
  if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware)

    result_connection = 1;
    Serial.println("Ethernet shield was not found.  Sorry, can't run without hardware. :(");

    while (true)
      delay(1); // do nothing, no point running without Ethernet hardware
  if (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkOFF)
    result_connection = 1;
    Serial.println("Ethernet cable is not connected.");

  Serial.print("Joined LAN with IP ");


  // Create a message handler

  return result_connection;

my esp32 is crashing and restarting..

I wonder if in your opinion it is possible to call that instruction once i have read the txt file..

Thanks a lot for your help