khoren93 / flutter_zxing

Flutter plugin for scanning and generating QR codes using the ZXing library, supporting Android, iOS, and desktop platforms
MIT License
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ReaderWidget/processCameraImage not working on some android devices #103

Open henriacle opened 11 months ago

henriacle commented 11 months ago

Lib Version: 1.2.1

Tested devices:

  1. Motorola G32 (not ok)
  2. Samsung A23 (not ok)
  3. Samsung S10 (ok)

Hello, I have tested on some devices, and neither of them can read any barcode. I have tested using the example code, the zx.processCameraImage, and I have also downloaded the ZXScanner. Unfortunately, none of them seem to be able to scan any QR code on those devices. It doesn't not return any error, it just doesn't read anything.

I have tested on a Samsung S10, and it worked fine, though.

The implementation that i did is on the doc examples without any change.

Thanks in advance!

jayeshtl commented 1 month ago

Any workaround for this issue ?

frankmer commented 1 week ago

151 Maybe this? I had the same problem until I realized that the crop was too much.

Coin-ai commented 5 days ago

151 Maybe this? I had the same problem until I realized that the crop was too much.

not work for me