khrt / Raisin

Raisin - a REST API micro framework for Perl 🐫 🐪
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failed test t/unit/middleware/formatter.t #26

Closed vlet closed 7 years ago

vlet commented 7 years ago

Just have tried to build Raisin 0.70 on debian jessie and have got error:

$ perl -Iblib/lib t/unit/middleware/formatter.t
    not ok 2 - content: yaml, default_format: yaml
    #   Failed test 'content: yaml, default_format: yaml'
    #   at t/unit/middleware/formatter.t line 96.
    #          got: undef
    #     expected: 'yaml'
    # unsupported media type: application/xml

Dumping env have revealed cause:

    '_content' => 'YAML Error: Stream does not end with newline character
    #    Line: 0
    #    Document: 0

Looks like YAML not satisfied with 'key: val' , and wants "\n" at the end.

khrt commented 7 years ago

The issue, I hope, was fixed, but update on CPAN happens only Monday.