khusnetdinov / betterdocs

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Check th (ไทย) locale and fix typos #186

Open khusnetdinov opened 5 years ago

khusnetdinov commented 5 years ago

Check locales by native and fix typos.

Project use jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin. Each locale file are keeped in _18n folder. For example en is located in _18n/en.yml file.

Project was translated by translation service not by human. So it can keep typos.

Need to check current issue language.

citizen428 commented 5 years ago

Not sure that randomly tagging the top Ruby users in a location is the best way to go about this. Most of the accounts you tagged are either companies, non-native speakers, people who don't do Ruby anymore and/or moved away from Thailand.

You may have more success posting on Twitter or the FB page of the monthly Ruby meetup:

khusnetdinov commented 5 years ago

@citizen428 Thanks, I will post

veer66 commented 5 years ago

I will post this in my Mastodon, Facebook Page, and Twitter in Thai. Perhaps some one will be interested in this.