khuyentran1401 / machine-learning-articles

List of interesting articles on different topics of machine learning and deep learning
164 stars 55 forks source link

Personal Access Token #26

Closed oleksis closed 4 years ago

oleksis commented 4 years ago
  1. Fork repository

  2. Enable Issues in Settings -> Issues

    The steps 1 and 2 need be manual

  3. Check GitHub-App permissions on .github/workflows we need set Personal Access Token (PAT): Your Profile -> Settings Developers -> Personal access token Add new Token (copy for use in Secrets) Make sure set the scopes: repo, workflow Ex: Machine Learning Articles Access — repo, workflow

    3.1 Settings your Repo: Settings -> Secrets Add a new secret: ACTIONS_SECRET : <paste personal access token generated before>

  4. Create one pre-release: v0.1-alpha (Create the Issues in issues folder and update ciff.yml workflow)

  5. Create final release: v1.0.0 (Importar Issues to the repository) Optional you can create one Project(machine-learning-articles/projects) named Machine Learning Articles (To do , In progress, Done) for manage the Issues

oleksis commented 4 years ago

Hello @ khuyentran1401 you need to follow steps 3, 5, 6 but the most important is 3. Let me know when you make the merge to your repo. Cheers!

khuyentran1401 commented 4 years ago

Hi Oleksis, Thank you for your contribution! I have just merged your pull requests. I am not quite sure if I understand the purpose of 3, 4, 5. What are the roles of Personal Access Tokens and set my repos to the secret? Is this something I should do or the users would do?

oleksis commented 4 years ago

Hi @khuyentran1401 . I am improving the workflow and restructuring the project directory.

You need to establish step 3 if you want to execute the following, because to update the file ciff.yml and the GitHub workflow, you need a token (Personal AT) with permission in the scope of workflow due to GitHub security policies.

I do a PR with updates and explain the in more detail.
