khyperia / weechat-discord

Unmaintained! And also apparently this is against their TOS so DON'T USE THIS -- Weechat plugin for Discord support -
MIT License
51 stars 24 forks source link

Mention and <@number> #21

Closed yfery closed 7 years ago

yfery commented 7 years ago

When I load plugin, for a couple hours there's no problem, mentions are displayed correctly with @nickname.

But a few hours later, mention came back with <@number>

Is there an option that I missed?

Anyway, thanks for your great job!

PS: my weechat runs for days

khyperia commented 7 years ago

Please make sure you're on the latest version - do a git pull, re-run make install, and restart weechat. I fixed some bugs surrounding this area a week or two ago.

If the problem still persists, please run /discord debug replace. This lists all IDs and associated names in the weechat core buffer - check if the is in the printed list. If it is/isn't, let me know, and let me know any extra information you think may be helpful. Thanks!

yfery commented 7 years ago

I did a git pull, reinstall the library and restart weechat.

As usual no problem during the first 24 hours.

When an id mention appears, I look for it into /discord debug replace list and the id wasn't present

Next I /discord disconnect then /discord connect, search again in the debug list and found it : @Cil : <@!106486705636286464>

Is this list refreshed or is this a static list from when I connect to discord?

khyperia commented 7 years ago

This seems like a bug in discord-rs. I have no idea how to figure out what's happening, but on weechat-discord's end, it does a simple loop over all members that discord-rs is tracking, there's no filtering or other logic that's specific to weechat-discord. So the lack of a name in /discord debug replace indicates it's actually missing in discord-rs.

As I'm pretty sure it's not a bug in weechat-discord, I don't know how to offer up a solid repro to the authors of discord-rs to make it actually sanely fixable. I have never ran into this (or at least noticed it), so it's difficult for me to debug. Please let me know if you have any ideas, though!

yfery commented 7 years ago

I'll try to debug it myself, and come back to you if I found someting.

yfery commented 7 years ago

So, I'm not 100% sure.

You loop through the server.members provided by discord-rs. But it seems that this list is populated once (and never upadted). So in my case, whenever a new member comes online, and someone mentions him, libweecord can't find him because the list is outdated.

It's possible to update it by using this function or this one, I don't know the difference between them.

As the author gives a warning to only call it when it is needed, I suggest to call it only when, in your function translating mentions, the user isn't found.

khyperia commented 7 years ago

The list is updated upon every member joining and leaving. This bit of code handles a new member joining the server.

My guess right now is that there's possibly some quirky issues around large-marked servers, since it seems like discord's protocol surrounding them is really overcomplicated. I'm really not sure, though.

yfery commented 7 years ago

OK, so I will continue my research :)

yfery commented 7 years ago

After some testing, the ServerMemberAdd function is only triggered when a new member is registered on the server. So it doesn't update the member list when known user join the channel.

server.members is populated only once here at startup, and only connected users are added.

I tried to fix this, but I failed :'(

khyperia commented 7 years ago

What do you mean by "join the channel"? All members of a server are in all the server's channels, all the time, and weechat-discord reflects that. The member list should only be updated when users join the server. Users can, however, go "online" and "offline". Weechat-discord takes basically zero note of the online-ness status of a user - so mention replacement works for both online and offline users.

yfery commented 7 years ago

My bad, I haven't used the good terms. I used "join the channel" as "going online".

When you're populating server.members, you're using sync_servers function. And the doc says /// Requests a download of online member lists.

So if I understand correctly the doc, as my user list contains only online member, when an offline user is going online is not added to my list.

khyperia commented 7 years ago

Aah crap, I typed 21 instead of 27 in that commit. Sorry about that.

khyperia commented 7 years ago

That commit was actually intentional :)

I have absolutely no idea what's happening, so I tried a thing, maybe that will help, I don't know. (See the commit message).