kialio / gsfcpyboot

Goddard Python Bootcamp
MIT License
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"WhiteBoard" Topics #6

Open edmondb opened 9 years ago

edmondb commented 9 years ago

On the final day (Friday, June 12) of the 2015 GSFC Python Bootcamp, we are willing to address those topics that interest you, the students.

Please comment on this issue with any topics you would like us to discuss (with details if applicable) during these sessions and we will attempt to cover all requests if possible.

kialio commented 9 years ago

Can you do my analysis for me?

RaiMunoz commented 9 years ago

A topic that I believe would be interesting to cover would be parsing and reading binary data as well as sending them in data packets with python. (personal interest would be doing this in the ccsds file format) The reason why I wanted to ask is due to interest in being able to read and interpret these packets quickly for GPS or accelerometer data.

rohanb2018 commented 9 years ago

I would really be interested in learning more about embedding C/C++ code into Python, as I am specifically interested in integrating C kernel code with other Python modules.

dobler123 commented 9 years ago

I would like to learn more about using Python to interact with SQL databases like Postgres. I can already see how useful Python is for massaging data and I would like to link up a database client like psql or the client library directly with Python so it can do reporting/client interaction.

megmeehan commented 9 years ago

Same request as RaiMunoz. I'd like to see an example of reading in a binary of ccsds formatted packets that are then selectively parsed by APID. I'd also be interested in how to efficiently handle this using irregularly sized/formed packets that have to be bit-busted. (i.e. we get length fields in a lot of our data and have a non-uniform pattern of data points within the packet payloads that I typically work with and the subfields within each of these data points are usually a few bits within a byte...; I can show you a sample of what I mean if this helps). Any hints or tips for working with time codes would also be helpful. Thanks!

kab1976 commented 9 years ago

I'd like to learn how to create web pages in python.

roosdw commented 9 years ago

Reading in netcdf files using Python, and how to set up your system to do this. I suppose it is really easy to read in netcdf files once you have all the appropriate things installed, but I've looked into this before and never managed to set up my system (nasa computer, so not all software/ways of doing things is/are supported) in such a way it would actually read in netcdf files. Any help would be greatly appreciated :).

SirBedevere commented 9 years ago

Most app. examples are centered on post processing data. I would like to see data acquisition using Python. I'd like to see a Python application that runs in its own GUI window, is event driven with user interface I/O (buttons, graphs, numeric and string I/O, etc.) that is interactive, and continuously acquires data from a GPIB or Serial/USB instrument using pyVISA.

GammaRayWurst commented 9 years ago

LOLPython. Wait we already made this joke last year. Disregard. Unless someone actually wants to do it.

noroozian commented 9 years ago

I would like to see some examples of data acquisition over GPIB or serial port connected to an instrument (like a network analyzer or analog/digital converter).

ebo commented 9 years ago

On Jun 9 2015 10:24 AM, ietapi wrote:

LOLPython. Wait we already made this joke last year. Disregard. Unless someone actually wants to do it

If you are going to do LOLPython, then you might want to add XKCD plotting functionality to it:

salmansheikh commented 9 years ago

I would like to learn about MyHDL ( Design hardware with Python - From Python to Silicon ) but alas my python knowledge is too little. Perhaps, I can present on it next year.

MyHDL turns Python into a hardware description and verification language, providing hardware engineers with unprecedented power.